The horrific Genz Benz El Diablo



Well-known member
Many years ago, I tried one of these out in a local store. It was pretty bad from what I remember, but maybe I'm wrong. I can't remember hearing anything but negative comments about this amp. Who here has actually played one and given it an honest try? Just how bad are they? Are they Blue Voodoo BV120 bad?

I had a similar opinion of the Krank Revolution and Krankenstein. I must have tried them both out on multiple occasions at music stores, and every damn time I thought they sounded terrible. Then I acquired a Rev 1 in a sort of package deal for super cheap. Once I actually had time to mess around with it, I liked it quite a bit. It was definitely different to dial in, and VERY picky with speakers, but would make a great, tight thrash/metal amp.
I had the combo a long time ago and didnt think it was bad at all but...
The tone stack was weird which I think contributed to a lot of the bashing.
I think the bmt controls were shared with clean channel so couldnt get good tones from both
I don't know if I'd say I've given it an "honest" try as I haven't played it at length, but I also tried a Diablo at a guitar store once and I still remember being surprised at how awful it was. Just all the elements of the worst high gain amps I've played rolled into one package. Next to no articulation, it was flubby and honky and harsh all at once, and overall it had narrow bandwidth and just in general a very small sound. I almost thought something was wrong with it. It sounded like a broken radio with muffled high end, basically.
I used to gig one exclusively for a good while. It was tricky to dial in and the tones were very solid State sounding, but it was a fun amp for sure. I don’t know if I would enjoy it right now.
People used to speak highly of the Genz Benz cabs all the time years ago. Never seen one in Australia.
I didn't think those were bad they had that and the Black Pearl. The Black Pearl was a let down IMO but the Diablo was banging. Great cleans and crunch and gain too.

Reminded me of a XXX but better and more boutiqey. They can be had for a song too used, very versatile and very balanced all around great sound IMO. Active EQ is great too and makes for a very flexible platform that can do a lot with a little.
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