"The Last Light" - Mesa Mark V:25, ISP Theta Pro


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Doing lots of experimenting with my gear lately, and found what I find to be a KILLER combination... got my lovely Mesa Boogie Mark V:25 on Extreme mode, loaded down with a Two Notes Captor, straight into my ISP Technologies Theta Pro bypassing the Theta's preamp, using a little bit of pre and post EQ (in the Theta), and finally using the Theta's on board cab sims (1x12 Creamback and a little of the 4x12 Greenback).

The clean sounds I'm actually using my little Egnater Rebel 30 Mark II out of the effect send with a ton of compression.

VERY happy with the sounds I'm getting lately so I thought I'd share.

(Kinda proud of the composition too!!!! Lots of experimenting musically lately too and taking some risks...)


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I usually use my ISP Theta Pro DSP Michael Sweet with an ISP Stealth Pro into a Mesa compact 2x12 or direct to my PA.

I did try the stage outs into my Engl E850/100 tube power amp, into one Engl E212VHB cab per side, it was glorious. and very loud!

I'm not interested in the Empyrean or the MSX; I'd like to see a new ISP Theta Pro with more cab options, effects loop, and software upgrades (not swapping a physical board), and a Michael Sweet sig version.

ISP knows its' market better than I would, but the ISP Theta Pro can use a modern update IMO