The Small combo search...

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im on the "small amp" kick again...faggin' GAS man...

anyway...some parameters.

- Thinking combo (not a deal breaker/maker)
- on board "verb would be good to have
- good/decent clean, better crunch/breakup (think classic rock/blues, less high-gain)
- dual channel
- budget in the less than 800$ range

Amps considered:
1- Peavey Classic 30 - Proven blues/rock amp to be dealt with...for the most part, everything i'm looking, but, if being honest, not crazy about that spring verb on board
2- Origin 20 - MF sounds GREAT in demos... does it sound that good in person w/o having to run the volume up to ear bust levels. If not mistaken, no 'verb
3 -DSL 20 - i want to like it... but in "demos" it just don't blossom like the two previously mentioned

What am i missing that i should be looking at seriously?

you guys are the best!
Budda sd30
but GC had a budda sd45 for $799
you should jump all over that
Out of the stuff you listed I would personally get the Classic 30 but I have a Digitech Hardwire Analog R7 Reverb pedal :D

The only onboard reverbs I've liked are on Fenders and Mesa's.

So these other ones may or may not have onboard reverb but also consider:

Traynor YCV50 Blue
Laney IRTs or their 30wtr
Older DSL50
Orange Rocker 30 or Dual Terror
Blackheart made some nice combos (Little Giant)
Crate made some nice combos (Palomino/V30)
Budda Superdrive 18

Edit: ^ LOL :lol: or the Superdrive 30
Blackstar Studio106L6.

Really shines at what you're looking for in a combo.

How bout the DSL40C?

...or the DSL40CR. I like the V-Type as somewhat of a tamed V30 with a little high end roll off. I didn't have a DSL40C for very long, but it at least seems like the volume is more uniform between each of the channels with the DSL40CR. Both great tube combos for the money.
I like the V-Type well enough too.

Also, in my opinion the DSL40CR is a step above the DSL20 tone-wise
Fender Blues Deluxe used, upgrade the speaker and a boost and you are golden. Not dual channel but it won't matter due to the godly clean and ability to boost to whatever.
H&K 25th Anniversary 1x12 tube combo. Killer by itself and even better with a small pedal board...
Maybe a used Jubilee reissue 25C? Maybe a touch more than 800 but fits your needs. Only gets high gain with a boost.
thank for all the suggestions fellas...much appreciated! i've tried to research all of these, best i could...

not surprising i guess...but I'm just a Marshall guy... :LOL: YT vids have to be taken with the grain of salt, i realize, but every demo i watched, i just keep coming back to the Marshalls (Origin/DSLCR, as cool as the Jubilee looks/may be, they're outta my $$ range). i suppose there are greater tragedies than loving a Marshall, right

So if anyone has any experience and willing to help, my questions are:

The DSL CR vs Origin
- DSL 20CR or 40CR -
Am i gaining a lot (tone-wise) going from a 20 to a 40 CR? I've got a 212 cab i can connect to the combo if i want to move more air. but is there "really" something better about the 40 vs the 20, or is placebo? IOW, if i can get the 20CR and save a few bucks why wouldn't i do that. It's worth mentioning i'm not planning to gig or anything like that.
2. the CR's from my understanding are supposed to be vastly improved over their predecessor? It's sounds like it from videos....but man they're YT vids so... :dunno:
- Origin -
1. Same sort of question. Am i gaining a better tone moving from the 20w to the 50w?
2. This amp sounds so impressive in the clips... is it as impressive in the room as it comes across mic'd?
I tried a bunch and was never really happy. The best ones I tried were the Fender Bassbreaker 15, Mesa Rectoverb 25 and the only one I kept was a Mesa Mark IV widebody, but it weighs like 85 lbs so it never moves. I also had a Laney LC50 that was not bad. The DSL 20 is horrific and did not care for the DSL 40CR much either. I returned the 40 and got a Fender Bassbreaker which is a great sounding amp, but ultimately let that one go.
Also had a Budda SD45, that thing was so fucking loud I don't really know how it sounded because I could never play it at anything other than rip your head off levels and returned it the next day. I would give the SD 18 a try though.
At the end of the day I found a lunchbox head (Mesa Mark V 25 in my case) with a nice 1x12 sounded WAY better than any combo.
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…hmm …
A dsl40cr ive been considering locally I can get for 450$…
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