1948 - Arab Israeli war.
1956 - Suez Crisis.
1967 - The Six Day war
1973 - Yom Kippur war.
1978 - Invasion of Lebanon.
1982 - Invasion of Lebanon.
1987 - Palestinian Intifada.
1996 - Lebanon war.
2000 - 2nd Palestinian Intifada.
2005 - Gaza withdrawal and Palestinian civil war.
2006 - Lebanon war.
2008 - Gaza war.
2014 - Israel Gaza war.
2021 - Hamas conflict.
2023 - Israel declares war. Again.
They are basically ALWAYS at war. It's made world-wide headlines 15 times in the last 75 years, but no US president except Jimmy Carter can lay claim to officially chilling things. That was the Camp David summit in 1978. That 'peace' lasted a whole 3 years until Sadat was assassinated.