Think I got it (Einstein Recorded Tone: OPINIONS?)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joeytpg
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I'm goint to record this song I wrote....even though Metal is not the music I write, I like it a lot, and It's become a challenge for me to get a GOOD sounding Diezel Einstein recorded/hardrock-metal tone.

I only recorded a snip preview of the song to test the Einnie tone I captured before recording the whole song.

So far I like it a LOT, but I need other ears. In my past clip a lot of people at HCAF said the tone was too compressed (I gotta admit the Mids where VERY low.....8:30) on this one I recorded two guitars (hard panned) one is ch.1 mode 3 and the other is Ch2.

Mids are 12:30 set to ch2 and 11:00 in ch1 mode3.

If the tone's a winner I'll post the settings.

I REALLY need opinions here guys (it's a very short clip, so it won't take much of your time)

What are you hearing in the clip: two guitars hard panned, drums. THAT'S IT, no post EQ, no compression, no nothing.

First up (Diezel Einstein Tone test 2) You can listen to the previews clip (Diezel Einstein Short Demo) which ppl seemed to say it was too compressed.
I'm thinking a bit more treble... But I'm not a expert on recording guitars, by no means :D Just sounded a bit tame in the highs, imo
yeah, could be.... but I can fix that with post EQ since it's only a tiny bit of highs that need (to my ears)

but don't listen to me, keep telling me what you think it needs/does not need, etc. :)
Not too bad, Joey. Sounds nice! I find it needs just a bit more in presence. Great starting point for reference though. You've got the fatness of tone there!

That sounds like a V-30 speaker to my ears?
thanks a lot buddy. Just have good need a bit more presence or treble, don't know which one yet, but the fatness is there. I'm using a 2x12 Framus cab loaded with, right on! :thumbsup:
You need a lot more mids there. One great trick recording amps is to boost the mids & back down the highs, this way you will get more clarity from mids & cut the harshness by backing highs. If you want to bring it forward use presence.
First off, hot riff. :) I would say it sounds a a little muffled, so yeah like said above as they helped me, raise the mids and maybe some presence. Nice work thought :thumbsup:
thanks a lot guys.....I really like the Mids where they are, but I think I needed to add more treble or presence.

I'll post an updated version soon.... keep an eye on this thread ;)
Joeytpg":rqur7iin said:
thanks a lot guys.....I really like the Mids where they are, but I think I needed to add more treble or presence.

I'll post an updated version soon.... keep an eye on this thread ;)

Yea, that's what I did when I just started miking amps & engineers with more experience kept telling to bring up the mids & I wouldn't listen. Time passes buy & you eventually learn the lesson sooner or later. The plain truth is that the highs people are referring to are really mids, but they haven't figured it out yet.... :D
you could be right.....and in all honesty I'm gonna give it a try, but in the room the amp sounds SO good with the current settings.....the open chords and power chords sound GREAT with more mids (mids at 1:00 or 2:00) but then when I palm mute it looses that "kick your chest" you understand what I mean?

Could really be that I'm playing by myself....if I were jammin' with bass/drums I'm sure I'd need to turn the mids up and let the "kick in the chest" to the bass/bass-drum.