thinking splawn, quick rod or nitro

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Marshall Law

Marshall Law

Well-known member
seen and heard a few clips of both, both sound killer, any thoughts between the two?, pro's and con's?
You seem to have the Marshall tone already covered.....go with the Nitro.
Its voiced differently and would compliment your Marshalls imo.
I've got a Splawn due in to my store in about 4 weeks that is not spoken for. At this point it could be a Quick Rod or a Nitro in any cosmetic scheme you wanted. You can reach me at the store in my sig. Ask for Curt and we can talk about what you are looking for and wanting in the amp.
nitro indeed. its got balls and mountains of gain, but the voicing is shifted more to heavier tones. scooped mids without sound thin. i agree, it would compliment your Marshall tone you currently have perfectly.
I have never played a Quikrod or a Splawn before I got the Nitro. Let me just say that I am seriously thinking of getting another one to run the Kt77s instead of El34s and a different cab on it, so I can a/b/y them. If you like the Marshall tones, this kicks it up a few notches and then some.
I have been through a few amps in the last few years and this is at the top for me. It's a beast. And the cleans are really freakin' good for a high gain channel switcher. This amp really blows me away.

As a matter of fact, if anyone wants to trade a Nitro for my Engl Invader 100, PM me.