New member
New guy here, and needing some help. I just bought the tm4100 a few weeks ago. when I unpacked it and plugged into my cab, I couldn't get any sound out of it. Light was on, tubes were glowing, I had checked everything to make sure it was set up right. For about 10 minutes I turned knobs, switches, fiddled with cables, and suddenly it started working. All was fine the first 2 times I gigged out with it. Then the next time I played out, during the last set the amp went silent! All tubes were glowing light was on, etc.... Got it home, replaced power tubes, checked bias, played and everything was fine. Next weekend, same thing. After playing a couple of hours, the amp would go silent. Got it to the house, and couldn't replicate the problem. This weekend, on Friday the #2 channel would stop working intermittent. Saturday, the amp worked fine. I love the way the amp sounds, but I can't play out with an amp thats not dependable. Any suggestions on what the problem may be? Thank you all in advance.