TOL 100 with Randall RM 4 footswitch question

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Hey gang. I recently acquired a TOL 100 (by Rocktron) and I totally love it! :rock:

Unfortunately the guy I bought it from didn't have the original EG4 footswitch. :no:

I've read here that the Randall 4 button midi footswitch for the RM 4 works great so I have one of those on order.

Can anyone tell me if that footswitch can be plugged in to the EG4 jack on the back of the amp? I assume the alternative is to use a power supply plugged in to the phantom power jack (to power the lights on the Randall switch)... then just do the midi programming on the amp and you're off.

I could do that, but I'd like to know if anyone has used that footswitch as a "plug and play" replacement for the EG4.

I was able to send some PMs to other forum members who've posted about this in the past and get answers, so figured I'd close the loop here for anyone with the same question(s).

The Randall RF4 footswitch works great, but you must use the midi in... can't use the EG4 footswitch jack. From what I can tell power isn't sent via the proper midi pins on that jack to be compatible (meaning the other pins probably aren't wired for direct channel compatibility either).

The RF4 works wonderfully for this application and for $56 is probably the best replacement footswitch value if you're after ease-of-use with TOL 100 switching. Just set your TOL 100 to receive midi via OMNI (i.e. any midi channel) and perform the midi store funtion for each channel per the manual... easy and effective. The RF4 is also built like a tank with good spacing between the footswitch buttons and bright lights so you can easily see what channel you're on. It also ships with a high quality, 25' - 30' (I didn't measure it yet, but it's plenty long for most stage applications) 7-pin midi cable so you're covered there too.

The only gripe I have... the RF4 doesn't ship with a power supply. :confused: It's compatible with a wide variety of power supplies from a voltage perspective (9v - 12v), but the barrel size is slightly larger than most pedal board power supplies (like my 1 spot for example) so you're likely gonna have to buy a separate, dedicated power supply to make it work (whether you plug in to the back of the TOL 100 and use the phantom power via 7-pin or power it from the floor... both power supply jacks require a slightly larger inner barrel diameter than standard pedal power supplies).

I have a digitech power supply which came with my Vocalist 2 that works great, but the problem is I need to use that on stage at the same time as I'm using the RF4... so I'm off to Guitar Center this afternoon to see if I can dig up a power supply that's compatible with the Randall, but won't break the bank. The way I look at it, the included midi cable is bonus... if I had to buy that myself it'd cost me roughly the amount that a power supply will likely cost so it's a wash. I just figured they'd do it the other way... include a power supply and not a 7-pin midi cable.

Thanks to those who responded to my PMs!