Tone help needed.

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Asking for a friend. Anyone know what Jeff was using on this record? Educated guesses are encouraged.

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pretty sure at that point it was JCM800 + SD1 ....but i can't resist posting this picture...sorry 🙃

i will add i dont know at what point he was using one of the H&K amps but want to say it was not till way later...pretty sure i've seen a live vid of him with a stack of H&K's on the stage
My thoughts were that there was something more than an 800 and Sd-1 going on. Maybe a stacked TS-9 or eq in there. Jeff also said it was V30’s but I don’t feel V30’s. Could be in a front loaded cab?

I could be completely off base but his playing sounds like he is beating the shit out of his strings

If I’m correct I suspect a lot of the “aggression” in his tone comes from the just the absolute beating his picking hand gives the strings

Here he is in 2010 with some H&Ks but boy watch that picking hand go lol

I may be way off base here, but didn't he have a Langner DCP-1 for a while ?

I think he met with our very own Tod Wilcox at one point, and tried out Wilcox's DCP-2.

Regardless, I have no idea what he used on that recording, but worst-case scenario, Tod Wilcox would probably know which amp he used, for sure.
He's been all over the place. He's used Line 6 PD XT rackmounts back in the day, 2203's with SD-1, and OD-1, H&K Grandmeister, and Coreblades, later moved on to EVH 100 Watters, and has been using Line 6 Helix in the studio and live. Anybody's guess.