Tone Talk Ep. 153 - Jim Root of Slipknot

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It got better as it went but Jim is cool and likes to carry on a great conversion . This boat dude could not . Dave kinda tried but he’s second fiddle . But man it’s like listen to your guest and follow
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It got better as it went but Jim is cool and likes to carry on a great conversion . This boat dude could not . Dave kinda tried but he’s second fiddle . But man it’s like listen to your guitar and follow
I’d like to see you do a better job. Based on the views and comments it’s 99% positive. Just the less than 1% of complainers like you who have to say negative crap but don’t contribute a damn thing in the real world.
I’d like to see you do a better job. Based on the views and comments it’s 99% positive. Just the less than 1% of complainers like you who have to say negative crap but don’t contribute a damn thing in the real world.
During the first half of the interview you didn’t seem to want to converse about what Jim said , it was like you wanted to just get to your basic gear question . You didn’t even flow . But dude I watch every episode so quit being a baby because I told the truth . You like tried to do the same interview as you would with some 80s dude .Act enthused or some shit
I wish the damn things would get put up on the podcast feed more often .... I can't stand sitting watchin people talk on video, christ doing a zoom with my own family is bad enough hahaha .. but I guess YT pays so there isn't much focus on the podcast version
I’d like to see you do a better job. Based on the views and comments it’s 99% positive. Just the less than 1% of complainers like you who have to say negative crap but don’t contribute a damn thing in the real world.
When I purchase an "item or widget" if you will, I could care less about the good reviews... that just means the item is working as it should. I am only interested in bad reviews and why they are bad. Maybe we should listen to the bad with an open mind vs cancelling that review. It's what makes us better. If I suck, I want to know where I suck so I can improve. Now, @Techdeth might just be talking shit, but..... then again maybe not.
It's a gear nerd show, so how f'n exciting is it supposed to be guys lol?

For the record I think Marc does a fine job. It depends on the guest as to whether I listen/watch it or not, but I'm sometimes surprised that certain guest I think will be really good are not always, and then others I have no idea who they are end-up being really interesting.
It's a gear nerd show, so how f'n exciting is it supposed to be guys lol?
Well, for starters, how about getting more indepth of the gear, settings, etc. rather than just ask plain old questions anyone can look up themselves. Thats the point of a "gear nerd" show, wouldn't you agree? Ask about what tubes he uses and likes, why he used certain amps on certain albums, what he likes about his Bogners over his Oranges, the list goes on. You can tell Jim can get down with the details if he's in the mood which he seemed to be in.
There will always be room for improvement when it comes to format and content...That said, I think Tone-Talk is pretty outstanding as it is and I really enjoyed the Jim Root episode, as I have most others. I am grateful to have it.
I wish the damn things would get put up on the podcast feed more often .... I can't stand sitting watchin people talk on video, christ doing a zoom with my own family is bad enough hahaha .. but I guess YT pays so there isn't much focus on the podcast version
I get what you’re
Tone talk would be so badass if they found someone to replace marc
I don’t want see any one lose their
Well, for starters, how about getting more indepth of the gear, settings, etc. rather than just ask plain old questions anyone can look up themselves. Thats the point of a "gear nerd" show, wouldn't you agree? Ask about what tubes he uses and likes, why he used certain amps on certain albums, what he likes about his Bogners over his Oranges, the list goes on. You can tell Jim can get down with the details if he's in the mood which he seemed to be in.
Yes yes
That’s all very dependent on the delivery and how entertaining they are. Why do you think guys still watch Ola or Fluff’s video? For the actual content lol? I think not. They’re entertaining. There are other podcasts I sometimes watch that have nothing to do with music or gear that are still a lot less boring for me
I for one never watch Ola or Fluff anymore.
I for one never watch Ola or Fluff anymore.
I haven’t seen their stuff in years either since I didn’t get anything out of their content, but I think it’s their entertainment value and dad jokes that kept them going. At least Tone Talk doesn’t do that lol, but just my honest constructive criticism is they could be more engaging, especially with such cool guests on the show. Just my opinion fwiw. Not saying I can do any better nor is it something I would want to do myself. Maybe they could plan better what questions to ask or how to structure the episodes. Just some thoughts
I haven’t seen their stuff in years either since I didn’t get anything out of their content, but I think it’s their entertainment value and dad jokes that kept them going. At least Tone Talk doesn’t do that lol, but just my honest constructive criticism is they could be more engaging, especially with such cool guests on the show. Just my opinion fwiw. Not saying I can do any better nor is it something I would want to do myself. Maybe they could plan better what questions to ask or how to structure the episodes. Just some thoughts
I still watch every episode . I was just being honest then he tried to destroy my whole being lmao
I still watch every episode . I was just being honest then he tried to destroy my whole being lmao
Yeah both of us are just giving honest critiques. As customers/consumers there’s nothing wrong with doing that just like some critique a restaurant they like that they may regularly go to. It’s not intentioned badly
Well, for starters, how about getting more indepth of the gear, settings, etc. rather than just ask plain old questions anyone can look up themselves. Thats the point of a "gear nerd" show, wouldn't you agree? Ask about what tubes he uses and likes, why he used certain amps on certain albums, what he likes about his Bogners over his Oranges, the list goes on. You can tell Jim can get down with the details if he's in the mood which he seemed to be in.
Listen to Jason Tong and Dave on AmpChat ... those were/are brilliant and pretty much 100% nerd talk. He's not doing them at the moment but hopefully they come back at some point
I’d like to see you do a better job. Based on the views and comments it’s 99% positive. Just the less than 1% of complainers like you who have to say negative crap but don’t contribute a damn thing in the real world.
Way to garner new viewers dude.
It got better as it went but Jim is cool and likes to carry on a great conversion . This boat dude could not . Dave kinda tried but he’s second fiddle . But man it’s like listen to your guest and follow
When does it get better? I watched about 5 minutes and couldn't take it anymore. It was too monotone and I love Jim Root. :dunno:

I’d like to see you do a better job. Based on the views and comments it’s 99% positive. Just the less than 1% of complainers like you who have to say negative crap but don’t contribute a damn thing in the real world.
I am assuming this is your channel but TechDeth was spot on. He is also a big contributor to this forum and is well regarded :dunno:
Yeah both of us are just giving honest critiques. As customers/consumers there’s nothing wrong with doing that just like some critique a restaurant they like that they may regularly go to. It’s not intentioned badly
I think for me, when you start with "how do you guys write the music?" I am thinking: best case scenario, he says he drinks the blood of goats and has a seance
I mean, there is no answer i care about. Maybe it is just me. Reminds me of football, when the dumb bitch on the sidelines asks a dumb fucking question and the coach tries not to make her look like a dumbass.

This is a perfect example of why women shouldnt be allowed in press conferences.

Similarly, jesus with this shit fucking dude.