Tourmaster 212 cab owners????

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New member
Could someone tell me how wide/tall the rear opening is on the back panel with the middle slot removed? I am making a two piece back for my cab and recall liking that set up...

I know Stone Age uses a narrow semi open back but noit sure how wide...I think 4" or 5" like Bogner does if you get the semi open.
We just moved and are still unpacking but if I can find my toolbox in all this chaos I will get you that measurement. Unless someone beats me to the punch. My rig is the only thing set up right now...gotta have priorities :)
The opening is 26.5" x 5.25". The actual panel appears to be 28" x 6.875".
Thanks I am converting my Bogner 212 to a partial open back. Bogner recommends based on their own semi open backs for the top and bottom panels to be the same dimensions and the opening to be 4". I might run with that, but wanted to compare to the Egnater dimensions in case I wanted to go that route. Even a small 4" is enough to let sound out of the back and open up the tone and easier to hear on stage. Plus, talking to cab builders, the smaller opening adds punch. Another thing that retains punch is having the opening off center. Since the Bogner cab has the speakers set lower......they are naturally off center from the opening.

Thanks for the dimensions.
I've had mine off since the day I got the cab. I love what it does to the sound in the room.