Tourmaster head: takes pedals in front well?

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I'm eyeing some Skreddy fuzz pedals, as well as taking my Soulbender and other Big Muffs into consideration, and was wondering if the Tourmaster takes pedals in front pretty well.
Since my M4 & RT2/50 are gone, I'm definitely looking at letting my Super Reverb reissue go now and getting a less-expensive tube distortion setup. I've been looking at the Tourmaster a lot more lately and my only real concern is how it takes OD/fuzz pedals. I know it seems silly to base a great-sounding amp on how it sounds with a sub-$200 fuzz pedal, but it does limit what I want to do if I'm restricted to the amp-only.

Anybody use dirt boxes successfully in front of a Tourmaster?

Yes, the Tourmaster takes pedals REALLy well. I recently picked up the Tourmaster combo, and everything I send to it sounds great. In addition, all channels regardless of settings respond to the volume knob of your guitar. Fuzzface, Fulltone Catalyst, Bigmuff, Prunes and Custard, Animato, all sound great through this amp. If you want to run a clean amp channel and get the sound of the pedal, use channel two. It has a slightly subdued high end, and it is on the verge of breakup, your fuzz pedals will shine through this channel.
I've checked out the front-end circuit while I had mine apart. If I recall correctly, the input tip/hot heads directly into the grid of the first stage (V-1 tube), therefore, it should be just as good as any at taking pedals?

You've given me an idea also. I honestly don't use all the channels on my Tourmaster. I'm not finding any use for the super-clean channel one, not that it's bad, it's just I found clean-2 to be more my taste and I just roll my guitars volume down to get it cleaner. Therefore, why not use clean-1 channel with a few of my favorite pedals? expanding the Tourmaster even further? I don't think it's a silly idea at all :yes: