Recommending that those in need of service should go through this forum as the best and apparently the now preferred method of contact? Really? What if Joe Customer is not lucky enough to stumble upon your sage advice on this forum?
How about Egnater living up to what they are selling as customer service on their website and advertising, and to follow through on what they clearly direct their customers to do in order to maintain warranty coverage?
From the Egnater website - "To initiate a customer service request with Egnater Amplification
you must fill out this customer service request form below... Once you have lodged your initial request using this form,
a customer support representative will attempt to contact you within 24-48 hours." Egnater still says they have never received any of those emails sent via the Egnater website. I had to submit the customer service form via secondary email. And a response within 24-48 hours? There are multiple stories from users that make that promise a sour punchline. And the joke is on you, Joe Customer.
From the Egnater website - "If a product must be returned to Egnater for warranty replacement/repair, a Return Authorization Number
must be obtained from our Customer Service Department
prior to shipping the product." After finally (finally - sound familiar?) getting Egnater in Cali to respond to emails as well as the secret decoder ring forum club PMs from this forum, I was told to just "send it in for repair". Literally, that was it. I could have done that without contacting Egnater, yet I had to remind Egnater that the warranty coverage would not be honored without an RA#
prior to shipping - as if they did not already know this. Only then did I receive the previously- and through those prior emails, quite specifically - requested RA#.
From the Egnater Website - "Products replaced or repaired under this warranty will be returned via ground shipping within the United States-
freight prepaid." On my second repair in two years, Egnater paid
nothing for shipping on my last repair covered by warranty. Expecting same from this time. The Tourmaster is not cheap to ship, apparently Egnater knows this as well.
At this time, my amp is in limbo because the authorized repair shop cannot get Egnater to respond to their phone calls. Gee, who to believe on that one? Egnater not returning calls? Maybe the shop has not received the advice about going through the Rig-Talk Forum.
The guy in Cali is the King of his domain, respect him - essentially kiss his ass - or go to the back of the line. NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!
Interestingly enough, Ian E. has been responsive and he seems to have a much better attitude. I believe he actually cares. That only goes so far, though, as even Ian will tell you to run it through the King out in Cali. And the King is not a benevolent head of state. He seems to keep score. Even now, if the King happens to be reading this, I cannot help but be convinced that he is thinking of what an a-hole I am, instead of considering that Egnater's customer service should improve and that I - and others - may have been treated with less than stellar service. I fear that this rant could result in more trouble for me and my amp - this is, seriously, why I have not ranted before now. I didn't find that customer service expectation on the Egnater website or sales brochures. It has taken a while to reach this point of frustration, enough to risk the wrath of the Cali King.
Think this is a rant? I could go on and on. I needed this damn amp to make $. The fact that I had to obtain another amp to fill the gap that my practice amp could not...has actually been a bonus. My bandmates tell me that my newly acquired USA made amp is a clear step up in tone in the mix. In the meantime, I am wondering if this experience with Egnater can get any worse.
I just want it to end. I would not put myself in this position again.