I just purchased a tourmaster combo, and I have a bunch of questions.
-what replacement tubes can I use for the power section. particularly, will a 6550 or kt66 be ok in it?
will the power section switches still work if I use either of those tubes.
-I was thinking that I might wanna change the power tubes. mine feels a little bit "hard" to play. . if the 6550's or kt66 wont work with the power section switches, would it be ok to use TAD 6L6GC-STR or Sovtek 6L6WXT+.
-when I bias this amp at 130, after a few minutes of playing it, or even switching it from standby back to play mode.., the bias usually jumps down...sometimes as low as 110. is there something I can do to fix the bias adjustment screw? it isn't removable, but would there be a way to stabilize it? or is there something else anyone can suggest?
-what, if any, effect does biasing above 132 have on the amp/tubes/other parts? i notice i can bias it pretty high, way high actually. REALLY HIGH.
my ser# is TM4212 12XXXXXXXXX. does it have the modification for the tone improvement? i play mostly metal. if it does not, how can i get the mod or how to find it?
I LOVE this amp, and the clean tones alone make it worth the trade (I traded an early model mesa boogie heartbreaker that i pretty much hated and it went unused for about 10 years) for it. channel 3 REALLY sounds great for soloing....and aside from being able to keep the bias at 130, I'm starting to really like my channel 4 settings. it took some time to get "my" sounds...but that's part of the fun, right?!
-what replacement tubes can I use for the power section. particularly, will a 6550 or kt66 be ok in it?
will the power section switches still work if I use either of those tubes.
-I was thinking that I might wanna change the power tubes. mine feels a little bit "hard" to play. . if the 6550's or kt66 wont work with the power section switches, would it be ok to use TAD 6L6GC-STR or Sovtek 6L6WXT+.
-when I bias this amp at 130, after a few minutes of playing it, or even switching it from standby back to play mode.., the bias usually jumps down...sometimes as low as 110. is there something I can do to fix the bias adjustment screw? it isn't removable, but would there be a way to stabilize it? or is there something else anyone can suggest?
-what, if any, effect does biasing above 132 have on the amp/tubes/other parts? i notice i can bias it pretty high, way high actually. REALLY HIGH.
my ser# is TM4212 12XXXXXXXXX. does it have the modification for the tone improvement? i play mostly metal. if it does not, how can i get the mod or how to find it?
I LOVE this amp, and the clean tones alone make it worth the trade (I traded an early model mesa boogie heartbreaker that i pretty much hated and it went unused for about 10 years) for it. channel 3 REALLY sounds great for soloing....and aside from being able to keep the bias at 130, I'm starting to really like my channel 4 settings. it took some time to get "my" sounds...but that's part of the fun, right?!