Tried a Krank Krankenstein the other day...

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I went to the krankenstein with a open mind also, and I thought it sounded like complete ass. I thought it sounded like sizzling bacon. I asked one of the guys working at that GC the other day if they had ever sold any of the kranks, and he said no. So the krankenstein they still have today is the one i played like a year ago.
I tried one once too and hated it.......hollow POS tone....although I didn't try to boost it... :D
I thought you basically had to keep the presence or treble "off" on those amps?
I'm pretty sure the presence control or something is wired differently than most amps or that it has more range than it ever should. I've heard some good Krank tones, but they've all come from Andy Sneap.
Code001":b6d5f said:
I've heard some good Krank tones, but they've all come from Andy Sneap.

Yeah, Sneap can get them to sound great. Listen to Archenemy "Doomsday Machine" and they are killer.

I wonder if a drop-tuned guitar would make a difference?
Code001":bbea2 said:
I've heard some good Krank tones, but they've all come from Andy Sneap.

That's probably because Andy Sneap could make a Gorilla sound good...

i had two big things that turned me off when i tried them

there was always a lack of midrange presence to my ears, no matter where the mid knob or contour was set

it only sounded decent with the gain up really high, when i tried to back off the gain the fizz was still there but the overall tone wasn't as strong

i liked the clean, and overall the amp didn't sound bad...i could see why other dudes may like it, but not me
umm bacon, i like bacon. gootta try one.....

Why is it htat all the bands I like use kranks, and they sound awesome live? Do these bitches have to be kranked to 10 or somethang?
i had a rev1 wich is miles better (though obviously wayyyyyy overpriced) and the chadwick which is a cool vintage head. but never tried the krapenstein , but fuck me.......$1700!!!!!!! sorry theres lots of ENGL's and framus amps out there for that $$. i would buy two 6505's first 8)
i tried one also and agree its a horrable tone
it sounded much better with Dimebuckers in fact it cleaned up nicely :)
SgtThump":5f0a8 said:
"Sizzling bacon" is a great word to describe it. Man, it was baaaaaaaaaad sounding.

The Revolution sounded good IMO, but if you had the treble or presence any higher than about 9 or 10 o'clock, then it was nothing but bacon sizzle. I'd take the Revolution over a lot of amps for metal.
SgtThump":fd5c0 said:
"Sizzling bacon" is a great word to describe it. Man, it was baaaaaaaaaad sounding.

I believe Dimebag actually specifically told Krank he wanted it to sound like sizzling bacon believe it or not :D
Shiny_Surface":ab30e said:

I believe Dimebag actually specifically told Krank he wanted it to sound like sizzling bacon believe it or not :D

He did, and that's basically what his tone always sounded like. Terrible.
Diamond and Krank.......the NAMM row of ass and I am not talking about the Diamond sluts........
if you have tried any other Dime branded suff ( mxr pedal, pickups, randall warheads and x2's) you know that guy loved a TON of sizzling gain..

he even used gain pedals and eq's infront of his amp!!!

definitley a case where his tones sound shitty to the average player but worked perfectly for him...
The Krankenstein is basically a Rev1 with an added solid state driver for the "frying bacon" high end. This was in some review for the amp where they had Tony Dow talking about the amp himself. Also, the Krank reps said the same thing to me at NAMM '05.

I think the Krankenstein cabs are crap. Good construction, but I don't dig the Texas Heat speakers.

I've played a Revolution a couple times, once through a Rev cab, and once through a Soldano 4x12 with V 30's. Both times I dug the hell out of the tone. If those amps were a bit more reasonable in price, I'd be all over them.

I've been offered artist pricing on one, and it's still too much, IMO. And, I know dudes who were getting a really good endorsement, and they told me the cost of the amps...Not dealer cost (which hovers around the 1K mark), but actual cost (which is what they would have had to pay)...So, for what these things are selling for MAP, it's nuts.
I just bought myself a Krankenstein head & cab for x-mas and I love it!!!!
For weeks I played it and the XXX back to back and happily went with the Krank.
It has BALLS, and shitloads of em. The punch is unmeasureable!!!
It took me quite a while to dial it in but once I did, holy shit!!!!
I flop between D and Drop C for tuning, use 10-52 guage on a Berni Rico Vixen w/ Seymour SH-5 in the bridge.
The tone is unbelievable!!!!
These amps are definetly not made for low volume playing!!!!

But yes, they are way spendy.
SgtThump":34d0f said:
Here's another. I'm telling you guys, it DID NOT sound like this when I tried it.

Don't get me wrong, that video doesn't sound good to me. But the one I tried was super trebly.

That video has all the high end chopped out. There's not really any way it could sound too trebly. It still sounds fizzy, though. I'm pretty sure those are actually designed to be that way.
SgtThump":90ff0 said:
At GC through a Krankenstein cabinet and my God, I thought the amp sounded horrible. I honest to God was keeping my mind open, but that amp was just bad sounding.

I was very confused with it, though. I'll admit that. The amp had this super low subharmonic thumpy low end thing with that cab that was cool, but at the same time, it had this super thin trebly ear bleeding tone. It was very strange. I messed with the contour switch, cranked it up loud (in the soundproof room that's not really soundproof), etc... I couldn't spent more than 5 minutes with it. It was THAT bad.

Here's a video with the Krakenstein and trust me, the one I played the other day sounded NOTHING like this.

Anyone else try one? I thought for sure there would be good tones in there, but I couldn't find 'em. I had the treble and presence down super low and it was still trebly.

I thought it was ice-picky, and brittle as well. Not my thing.