tried an orange rockverb today

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pretty good sound, great sustain. tried it with a vintage gibson ES. not sure which one though. a friend of mine owns it. the thing that impresses me most is the gain control. its VERY sensitive. serious big gaps in gain, even when going from something like 5 to 6. massive tonal abilities.

EDIT: 50 watt model
thinking about it, ive never seen anyone on this board with an orange, not to my knowlege anyway.
Kannibal had a Rockerverb 100 for awhile.

I love that amp
I owned the 50 for awhile. Very nice amp, I actually miss it sometimes. But it couldn't dethrone my Tremoverb, and if I want a more Marshally sound I have my Stiletto Ace.
I think the Rocker and Rockerverb series are some of the best bang-for-your-buck amps out right now. I really dig how greasy the gain channel can get, and the cleans are to die for.
My buddy has a RV50 w/ matching cab.
Great, great amp!!
I have a Rocker 30 combo. It's got the boxy thing going on, but I dig it. I haven't tried playing it through a 4x12.....maybe if I have time in the next couple years....... :D
I have a Rockerverb 100. It's the first time in my time as a guitar player that I haven't been looking for a new amp. This one stays.
Great amp, I really like the mid's. Anyone try a thunderverb yet? Three gain stages instead of four and all that low end. I like to see them side by side. What a huge tone that would be.
I had one for a good while. Then I got back into drummnig again, and it just sounded too dark.

Until then, I thought it sounded great. I still think it's a great amp too. Just my tastes changed to more Marshall.
I saw Priestess recently, and they had a rockerver 100 full stack on one side and a thunderverb on the other, the tone was huge and thick, much better than megadeth who played after them.
I own a rockerverb 50. Running it through a mesa rectifier ( oversized) cab and it is sounding excellent.

went with the 50 becuase it has a great clean and a creamier lead tone. The Rockerverb 100 is bigger and more in your face with tighter lowend though...

This is definitley my favorite amp to play hard rock on..very simple controls and quite versatile..and the master volume and effects loop are perfect

they are getting up there in price though..( I think a rockerverb 50 is like $1700 new)
The jump in Gain from 5 to 6 comes from the fact that it's a cascaded poti that regulates two gain stages, up to 5 you increase the first one and then you gradually drive the second one. It's the same on the Tiny Terror, just a bit less gain overall (less gain stages in total).
maiden_fan":a370b said:
I saw Priestess recently, and they had a rockerver 100 full stack on one side and a thunderverb on the other, the tone was huge and thick, much better than megadeth who played after them.
Wish I was there , always liked there shows.
Variable":09e2a said:
I think the Rocker and Rockerverb series are some of the best bang-for-your-buck amps out right now. I really dig how greasy the gain channel can get, and the cleans are to die for.

I think the Orange Rockerverb amps are good by overpriced, there are alot of fuller featured amps at $1700+ new. The Rocker 30 is a much better deal but you lose the effects loop and reverb.

I am also not too fond of their cleans. The gain channel is great, but the cleans are only okay.

I actually bought Cibyl's Rockerverb 50. I replaced with a Vox AC50CPH. The vox had nicer cleans, but the Orange had a better gain channel.
Everytime I get a chance to pay one I really dig the gain channel! Time to get one in the shop!