Tried out a few amps today and brought one home...

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Yea I tried one recently, and was pleasantly suprised. I had my Power Screamer with me, and WOW!!! It sounded huge!

Really that good hey Thump...I have been thinking about picking one up....what cab were you running with it?
i played one about 3 months ago
i really did enjoy the amp's tone

but my Carvin MTS 3200 and a Penta 4x12 Cab
was enought o convince me to leave it there
and i was useing a Squire tele :o

till my 52 comes in :P
How much time did you spend on the MarkIV? It's the type of amp that if you see one in the store and plug in without tweaking it, it usually sounds like shit. And if it was the combo then yeah, i don't like the Mark combos. I can get a MarkII or III to sound how i want in 2 minutes but the IV can be a little tricky.
Congrats Chris :)

From what I understand the Windsor is british influenced so it would fit right into your preferences.
Damn, I came across one of those for the first time at GC yesterday!

But it was the first amp I tried out, and the guitar, some weird Schecter hollow body, had a dying battery or something, and like no output, and I couldn't even make it distort.

When I got a different guitar, I went on to the other amps and forgot to try it back out. :cry:

They had a Classic 30 head, though, which I had never seen before. I liked it, but it seemed to suffer the Peavey combo muffliness syndrome. Even though it had a cab, it was the Classic 2x12, so I think that was still the culprit.

All their 4x12s I've tried didn't seem as bad in that department. They had the 4x12 with the Windsor, so hopefully it sounds better. I might go try it out again tomorrow. I'd imagine it's a somewhat more distortion oriented amp than the Classic, but maybe in that neighborhood, so I find it interesting. Those Classics get high enough gain for me, but they seem to get somewhat fizzy if you just crank it.

I really need to try that Classic head with a different cab, though. It has two channels for $150 more than the Windsor, so I might like it more just for that.

I hope they fix that Schecter, too. I told the guy and he seemed to think he knew what was wrong. It sounded nice, I just didn't get to hear it distorted through an amp.

Hey, and this is funny hehe. The best new amp I'd tried that I hadn't heard at all befor was the Line6 Spider III 1x12 combo hahahaha. It was only $200, and it sounded better than the $600+ Flextone IIIs next to it, and I think it sounded better than a Pod XT, too. I even liked it more than the B-52 AT112 combo next to it. The "crunch" channel I think it is isn't all farty and buzzy, at least to the degree their products usually are with a decent amount of distortion. One of the best cheap practice amps I've heard, at least. I wish they'd had those when I started playing.
SgtThump":b5fdc said:

I'm not going to say that everyone will like this Windsor, but I think it sounds great. It has much more punch and a more aggressive tone than the Classic series amps that I've played. It's not real tight in the lows, but tight enough for me.

I just cranked it up a little at home through my Bogner cab and man, the amp has alot of low end. I did hear some of that fuzz that I've heard other people talk about, but with the treble down to around 3 and the presence up higher, it takes some of that fuzz out.

I'm going to take it apart tonight and come back with pics of the insides too.


Hey man, I found a trick to those Classic 30's. If you get the preamp and master up to about 3 o'clock, there is a lot of gain - I think that is when the phase inverter starts to distort. Check out these tunes

On each tune I did the guitar on the left and the solos plugged straight into a Classic 30 through a Marshall 1960BX, no boost.

But I gotta check out that Windsor, sounds like there are some good tones in there, and for that price, it's hard not to have one!
I've been considering the idea of the Windsor and a 2x12 with a bunch of pedals as a cool rig option. but i still haven't found one anywhere near me o try.
Let us know.....
I am looking for something with an 80's vibe (Ratt/Crue/Dokken)
Congrats Chris. I'm hoping to try that amp also when I see one, but my local Peavey dealers haven't gotten one yet. Hopefully soon. I did try out the Valve King combo and didn't really dig it, but the Windsor has me intrigued!
Hey man forget how much you paid. If it does it for you and allows you to enjoy playing what else do you need. Congrats.
thump, for that kind of money, you could send it off to fjm to clean up the fuzz and have one badazz amp
meanstreet":1c24f said:
Congrats Chris. I'm hoping to try that amp also when I see one, but my local Peavey dealers haven't gotten one yet. Hopefully soon. I did try out the Valve King combo and didn't really dig it, but the Windsor has me intrigued!

Sorry if I offend anyone who owns one, but the Valve King combos blow. The head into a half decent cab, not even a super great one, sounds like a TOTALLY different amp.

Every Peavey combo I have ever played has been inferior to the amp with a decent cab. The Valve King and Classic combos are pretty muffled even if you do some pretty extreme settings, like bass and mids at 0 and treble at 10.

They aren't bad amps, but those cheap Peavey speakers destroy them.

The JSX and 5150/6505 combos I have tried didn't suffer the muffliness of those cheaper amps, but they certainly did not sound as good.
That's nice that the bias range actually gets semi-decent, even if it may not necessarily be enough. It's stupid to have to mod an amp just to make it biasable. Peavey's weird about that, but I guess they're coming along little by little.

I don't know too much about how all that works, but since it's already built in there, and lots of people can mod Peaveys with no bias control themselves, wouldn't it be a pretty simple affair to make it have a higher range?

Do you intend to try new tubes in it?
Damn bro. Well for 400 maybe the build quality ain't so good. :oops: Sounds like the power tubes are shitty if you had to crank the bias pot all the way up to get it in the ball park. If it makes you feel any better my first JCM800 came with tubes like that. We had to crank the pot all the way up and the tubes still didn't reach there nominal value. Then we threw som SEDEL 34s in and the amp just came alive.
SgtThump":63a70 said:

Well, I'm not sure. I think the Peavey 5150II heads have a bias pot, but the range is very narrow and it doesn't allow you get the tubes hot enough. Seems like that could be the same thing with this Windsor? Not sure... I did actually get it hot enough by turning it up all the way, but it just barely got there.

I can't help but wonder if putting better tubes in wiouldn't give you better results. I mean the bias pot would probably already give you a good + or - of the tube types nominal value.
Congrats Thump! My local Samuel Music has a Windsor in stock right now. I'll definatly give it a spin next time I'm in there. If you wouldn't mind, PM me with some suggested settings to test it out with once you get to tweak it. Samuel Music is a small store, so you can't crank it, and the assholes that work their won't let you play for more than 15 min. or so, and will make fun of you the whole time you're playing, even though I know for a fact I can out play any one of those fuckers.