Trying something different…

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Is it fair to say we all want the best for our sons and daughters and grandchildren so they can enjoy ALL freedoms?
I'm sure we'd all agree that it's good to take a dump every day or as close to that as you can manage 'cause if you don't you'll feel like shit.

Thought I'd start with basics 'cause the variation in tastes and options these days makes it almost-impossible to find universal agreement on anything.

I submit therefore that seeking agreement from everyone is an illogical pursuit and that one would be better-off marvelling at the variety of views and tastes out there.
Ok, MM,
just wondered if there was something. I guess not.
Might as well just delete the thread…
Dumb idea, apologies …
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Ok, just wondered if there was something. I guess not.
Might as well just delete the f’n thread…
That'd be an overreaction to a single post in what I'd call a successful thread, Brother Keef, no?

Besides, I thought I put forward a candidate for universal agreement:
I'm sure we'd all agree that it's good to take a dump every day or as close to that as you can manage 'cause if you don't you'll feel like shit.
... and I have another right now:

When you're really thirsty, it's great to feel liquid flowing down your throat and into your stomach.
“I submit therefore that seeking agreement from everyone is an illogical pursuit and that one would be better-off marvelling at the variety of views and tastes out there”.

Sorry, MM, maybe I misunderstood this too quickly but I thought you meant there’s no hope, we all have different views and they’re never going to line up…
At which point I thought, “maybe he’s right, fuck it” LOL
Oh, it was obvious to me that that was the statement you were reacting to, Brother Keef. :thumbsup:

I was in "Spock Mode" and pictured him in my mind making the logic-based declaration. Besides, the statement is a utilitarian one; it doesn't exclude the possibility of agreement, but rather suggests it'd be an inefficient use of time pursuing it.

We've already seen several candidates for universal agreement I reckon, so IMHO the thread's definitely-worthwhile.

You know what 'though? It matters not whether or not I think it's worthwhile. That's probably something else we can all agree on. :LOL:
Seriously, just heard a news story that I actually think we all might agree with.

In the USA right now about 75% of universities and colleges will not require submission
of an SAT, or any other type of standardized test score (at least for the next 2 years when it comes
up again) as part of applications.

Top guy at some school said it really good:
"You're going to find out more about the qualifications of a student by looking over their entire scholastic records,
and not just a bunch of bubbles on a page that get filled in on a single Saturday morning."

That cheating scandal a few years back probably helped set this in motion.
We've seen a similar thing play out here in Oz for, I don't know, maybe 20 years?

The entry bar for those who wish to study to be teachers has been lowered time and again. If you listen to the young / youngish teachers of today you can hear the results of such a move for yourself. Today their passion for teaching, more than anything else, seems to count as the entry standard. Gone are the days when, if you failed, you studied up and re-sat an exam or waited longer still in order to be able to be accepted as a mature student.

I'm generalising of course, but you wouldn't want these peeps to teach your kids math or English, that's for sure.
I can only speak for the US obviously.
We've always had the cheating and/or buying ways into a school but
what happened with so many hi-profile people made the schools have
to quit with the wink & nod policies of the past and change their admission
Getting angry at dogs or very young children makes you a jerk?
And who was the first person to come into this thread and post shitty comments? Why, it’s you of course. But hey, you keep deflecting and trying to play the professional victim.