The $64,000,000 question!
The Herbert I can say is one of the most responsive amps to tube variations on the planet on both the preamp and power sections. I find that most high gain amps, it really doesn't matter much - but not on the Herbie.
You just got to find what works best for your ears, but you will definitely hear some tonal changes, especially in depth and width between say Chinese 12AX7's and a Tung Sol tube. I hear differences on the power end between SED and Ruby 34's. Love the 6550's in the Herbie, but hate them in the VH4.
If you have the money, buy several 12AX7 tubes to change out in V1, V2 and V3. The gain will be all over the map. Power tubes I can tell you now that the Ruby's thin the hell out of Herbie. From lost of time and money, SED's, 34's and 6550's are the best bang for your buck.
I spent a few hours one day changing tubes, play a minute, change again, rebias....etc. until I found what works for me.