Tube Screamer chip comparison clips


Active member
Well, one of the first things you hear about when messing with effects and especially tube screamers is how different the chips sound. So... I modded a TS9 with some different diode selections and a few other minor tweaks. Nothing amazing, just wanted a little more drive to use it as an overdrive moreso than a boost.

Here's a clip:

There are 5 different chips - each time the part repeats, it's a different chip. I recorded it with a Johnson J-station - not for the stellar tone, but so it would be repeatable. All clips were recorded within about 1/2 an hour. I could have used a tube amp, but then everything from tube bias to mic placement to changes in speaker humidity to whatever would apply. This was the best way I could think of keeping the playing field as level as possible. I wasn't listening so much for which one sounds best as much as how DIFFERENT they would sound to each other.

After a bit I'll post a screen grab from Adobe Audition that shows each chip in order. Here's what the chips were (not in order as they appear in the audio track!)

Burr Brown OPsomething or other ($4 'hi fi' Tube Screamer replacement)
JRC072 (TL072 basically)
JRC4558 (new manufacture)


I would love to check that clip out ..

I just built a 808 and wondered what other options there are for chips . Right now I have the


so far I love the JRC .. I been messing mostly with the clipping section so far .