Tubes for my Ecstasy 101B *READ FIRST*

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King Loudness

King Loudness

Hey guys,

I've got an '05 101B that needs tubes. Currently it's got five Penta tubes and one JJ in the preamp section. The power tubes are Rubys. I got a list from Steve King that suggested I use the following tubes:

V1 - Sovtek LPS
V2 - Ruby HG+
V3 - Ruby HG+
V4 - Ruby HG
V5 - Sotvek LPS
V6 - JJ

Power tubes - Ruby

Problem is, I'm in Canada and the Canadian dealers here (Tube Store, L&M) don't stock Ruby. What would you guys recommend as a good balanced tube set for the Ecstasy from what Tube Store stocks? I like having a classic Fender clean, a very smooth blue channel and a nice biting red channel.


Ruby's are just rebranded chinese, so any good selected Shuguangs will do fine.

The set of preamps Steve recommended is very good, so go for it.

Eventually think about =C='s for poweramp.

Go with what Reinhold would recommend:
Chinese/Shuguang 12AX7B (high grade) pres throughout the small bottle sockets; and either =C= EL34s or even KT77 (Gold Lions) in the bog bottle sockets.

In Canada (over here on the other coast, m'brae :thumbsup: ), we can also other from which is Antique Electronic Supply - and they've had Ruby. Furthermore, Laura here at RT, valvequeen, will help you out too. Otherwise straight up glass from Jon at as he's been ace in the delivery/value department (Canadian cat to boot!).

Im in Canada too , just retubed my '97 101B. Ruby el34 BHT , v1 thru v4 ruby 12ax7 hg+ matched, v5 EI Yugo ecc83 balanced triodes. v6 ruby hg+
Dougs Tubes , quick and easy.
Generally speaking, there's no problem in poweramp in XTC, as =C='s are THE tubes there IMO. I used a RFT/Siemens' tubes for a while, but =C='s are more punchy and fuller sounding.

As for the preamp - after 4 years of struggling with the XTC I'd strongly advise two things: no JJ's in XTC (in both preamp and poweramp) and to start with LPS in V1 & V5.

The essential thing are gain stages' V2 & V3 tubes and here I see two way outs: chinese or EXH's. Clean channel is to-taste-thing IMO. I have LPS here for ultra-clean sounds.

Regards, Andy :)