Tubes for my old Ecstasy

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Hi All;

I got my old Ecstasy back (which I am really excited about, but that's another story). Anyway, I sold it 2 years ago, and it had the original tubes in it (it is a 2009). It appears to still have those tubes, and obviously they need replacing. I am looking for slightly more gain, and a bit of a smoother character (like one of my previous estasys, or think the brown channel of the Fish). Any suggestions on preamp and power amp tubes?

Also, if anyone knows of a good tech in the Sacramento, CA area that can do biasing, etc, could you pass the info onto me? Thanks.

As for the powertubes the choice seems to be pretty obvious: =C='s :).

As for the pre's, if You need more smoother gain You may try Tung-Sol Reissues. In XTC they give nice warm distortion, very rich harmonically. But be careful with them in cathode follower positions (V3-V4). They may blow there quite fast, although I used to use TS's in V3 for quite a long time without problems, so maybe I scored more rugged items. Chinese will stand there for sure but may darken Your tone too much.

As for the PI (and V1) I recommend Sovtek LPS, they give very ballanced tone, very in-front.

My current line-up: LPS - EHX - EHX - Ei - LPS - LPS. And =C='s in poweramp ;).

Regards, Andy :)
Ya man, SEDs are the shit IMHO. I'm not one for screwing with the preamp glass in the Bogners, I've found following Reinhold's belief in high grade Chinese to work best for my ears - but that's not to say...

Good luck, and nice to know she's back in the stable :thumbsup:
Thanks guys. Pretty set on the winged Cs for the power tubes, just trying to come up with the best pre tubes. I appreciate the information.
Go with a complement of Chinese 12AX7 high grades for the entire preamp section - after they've settled in and you may want to tweak it, go from there. No sense loading a bunch of specific glass to each socket as you'll not know what to change if something does need changing.

Keep it simple :thumbsup:
I've got the el34 winged C's in mine and for preamp tubes all stock chinese except in V1 I've got an Ei grayplate 12ax7. To my ears the gain sounds notably better with the ei in this position over the stock chinese. I love it!
Thanks for the info guys; I will look into the Ei tube for V1.
I have some eis if you want one I use them in all bogners,,,tungsram are nice to as they mesh with the chinese well.
I also have sone 8th gen chinese square getters for v3 and v4 which kick ass..