Tweaker 40 head Does the bright switch really do anything?

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I just got a Tweaker 40 head and 2x12 cabinet. Love the tones but the bright switch on both channels really doesn't make any kind of tone change. Is this common or did I get a bad head. All of the other toggles make some kind of noticiable difference in tone. I got it at GC and still have a few weeks to exchange it if my head is not working correctly.
Bright switches on most amps, including the Tweaker, typically become less effective as you turn up the gain knobs. Or, they are most effective at lower gain settings. Traditionally, the idea of a bright switch is to compensate for how we hear things at lower volumes so the switches are more effective at lower settings. With the gain knobs past around 2:00, the bright switch effect will become subtle. Where do you have the gain knobs set?
Hi Bruce

Thanks for responding. I have had the gain most of the time between 10:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock in both the normal and hot settings.
I have a tweaker 40 , played through a 4/12 cab. With v30's.
Gain/volume between 10 & 12.
And when it worked, the bright switch was the strongest toggle on the head!
I play soft jazz, so that might be a factor
I would suggest , since you have time, to take 'Your' guitar & audition another tweaker head.

I'm not trying to start up with the engineer of the amp. But rest assured the bright switch makes a huge difference..
Did your bright switch stop working? I turned the gained down to 9'clock and there was a small change in the in the treble, not as dramatic as the other switches but a change.
No, actually it started blowing fuses!
I still say, you shouldn't have to ask, you should easily hear your bright switch at normal levels. I don't play at outdoor levels.
The hot is the most dramatic. Easily increases gain. But bright gives a clarity to top end with distorted tones. That is easily heard.
This could be an ear thing, but to rest easy, do try out another head. Don't use a combo since the open back etc will introduce some clipping.
I went to GC today and played the same set-up. A tweaker 40 head, 2x12 cab, my guitar and the same settings. It sounded exactly the same as my home rig. Unless both heads are broken the exact same way ( highly unlikely) this is how the bright switch sounds. A sutle change when the gain is at around 7 to 9 o'clock. Daviedog maybe your amp keeps blowing fuses because your amps bright switch is running to hot? Thanks for all of your imput. it was very helpfull.
A bright switch is basically the bypass cap and or resistor being raised or lowered, hooked to a switch for bass boost, lead bright, depending on who is writing the labels. Since this is on the 'cold'side of the circuit couldn't blow a fuse.

There are other ways to modify the tone stack and or add switch. I can't find a verified schematic to really see what Bruce designed. But it would not be hard for them to modify if you find the Bright lacking.

I'm still surprised that you can't hear it. But at least you can rest easy that yours isn't broken.

Just came to me that maybe a resis went north on mine..