Tweaker died tonight

  • Thread starter Thread starter GregN.
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New member
Have owned a Tweaker for less than a year and have been gigging pretty regularly w/ it w/ no issues but tonight after the greater portion of one set it just made a quick buzz sound and died. No power. No power light. Checked the fuse, power cord, etc.... nothing. Sound like the power transformer blew??? Thoughts?

email nate or ian @ egnater amps.

Nate J. Williams
Product Services Manager
Egnater Custom Amplification
Toll Free: 877-EGNATER
Phone: 323-277-4119
Fax: 323-277-4110

i've had luck pm'ing bruce and ian, and also with the toll free #. all times of day too may i add.

Good luck man. keep us posted!

~G (Yeti)
Sucks when this kind of thing happens, but probably fairly simple to fix. Transformer, maybe power tubes.
Thanks for the email addy! I've sent him one so we'll see.

Len, do you really think it could just be the power tubes when the amp will not even power up? I figured I'd at least have power if not sound. Gonna open it up today to look for anything obvious.

Yes, it could be a blown power tube. See the owner's manual, p. 10, at the bottom of the middle row.

Or maybe it blew the fuse that's located where the power cord plugs into the back of the amp. If that one's blown, you can try another fuse in there. If the second one blows, then you've got some kind of problem that's not just the power tubes. Like a bad switch or a short or something. At that point, you might need somebody to check it out.
Well, you hit on something there! I didn't even know about the fuse in the power cord outlet. Sure enough it was blown. Replaced it and it blew the second one immediately. Crap!
I tested both power tubes on my tube tester and it didn't show any shorts and they both tested strong. I know there are some shortcomings w/ tube testers so I don't know how much stock to put into those results but just fwiw.
take the power tubes out and see if the fuse still blows when you turn it on.
I'll definitely try that! Anybody have recommendations on where to get 1.6 amp, 250v fuses on a local level? I'm assuming these are slo blo. Radio shack only had fast acting. Closest in Slo Blo was 1.5 amp or 2 amp.
Just go ahead and use the 1.5 amp slo blo fuse. But definitely do as they said above. Remove the power tubes and replace the fuse. Then turn it on and into play with no power tubes in the amps. If the fuse doesn't blow, then it's a bad tube.
Wouldn't you know it? Radio Shack doesn't have 1.5 amp slo blo's in the small size. Where the heck else can I find fuses? Very frustrating.....
Use whatever radio shack has. Use a fast acting fuse. That's o.k. to use to diagnose this problem. Get a few so you have plenty and don't have to go back for more.

You'll have to get the"correct" fuses from an electronics supply house. Seems to me I couldn't find the exact fuses I needed at the shack either.
Well, using the fast acting fuses and powering up w/ power tubes out, the fuse blew. This w/ standby switch in standby mode, fwiw. Crap!
Time to get with Egnater (or somebody) and get them to check it out and fix you up. It's probably a short somewhere.
I'm not an expert certainly, but logically, since this is happening before I apply full power, that it's in the filament circuit? Maybe the 1N4001's or 1N4007's or whatever it uses in the rectifier bridge, fried? I don't want to void any possible warranty coverage though so..... just curious....
I don't think opening it up and looking at the board, will void the warranty. You may get lucky and find something that's an easy fix. Still, it might be time to send it to a tech.