UPDATE 06/13/23 : ALL the Chirons have shipped !!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter griff10672
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six beers make a pack
six strings on guitars
six days to create the universe
six is the only even perfect number
six whole tones in an octave
six colors to the RGB color wheel
six points for a touchdown

and of course....


six beers make a pack
six strings on guitars
six days to create the universe
six is the only even perfect number
six whole tones in an octave
six colors to the RGB color wheel
six points for a touchdown

and of course....

I dunno..... Though you do have some valid points on #6, #21 has that Vegas Hookers and Blow background to it. (y)

six beers make a pack
six strings on guitars
six days to create the universe
six is the only even perfect number
six whole tones in an octave
six colors to the RGB color wheel
six points for a touchdown

and of course....

How is Kevin connected to 6?
Ha! The most blatant TV rip off of a movie ever.
First couple of episodes were pretty good but it got silly pretty fast.
Definitely some really awesome aspects to the show though...
