Update on my wrist condition

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After 6 weeks of intense pain and physical therapy, both wrists are actually WORSE that before, so I'm going in for an EMG test this Monday. Doctor says it could me carpal tunnel, just like I suggested 4 months ago when we started this fucking charade. After that, go to see the doctor to evaluate the results, and possibly surgery. So, once again, he had nothing to say in the short-term. Didn't seem to give two shits about the fact that I can't get more than an hour of sleep a night, and can't write/type for more than an hour of the time. I've got a benefit concert to play in 2 weeks, and I've got no idea how I'm going to play in this condition. I'm really worried about it, I just don't know what to do. I'm not trying to get any sympathy or anything like that, I just felt the need to vent, and figured this would be a good place to do it.
That sucks for sure, dude.

Here's to a decent solution :cheers:
I feel your pain brother (although yours may be worse than mine :cry: ). I have tendonitis in my right wrist (fretting hand) and its a pain in the ass. :aww:
I ended up with braces for my wrists that I wear when I sleep. I also tried a massage therapy approach years ago. It was painful as hell but it actually helped a lot.
I'm sorry to hear that, man. :no: Hopefully you'll be back in biz ASAP!

Hand injuries and problems are a fucking bitch... I have to keep my hands under hot water for 3-5 mins, do light stretching and light massage for my hands before playing or otherwise the old injuries come back. I haven't had anything that fucking serious though.

Had surgery on both hands and wrists just over a year ago, as well as some work on my elbows. I'm as good or better as I was then (in terms of mobility, strength, flexiblity, endurance, etc), and I don't have any numbness issues.

Recovery wasn't THAT bad...but, from what I know, I had a HELL of a surgeon.

Also, I elected to have this done when I started get extended numbness issues. EMG showed I had CTS. EMG isn't all that either, if you've not had one before.
Damn dude sorry to hear that!!

Im having some issues with my tendons.. i had really bad pains in my forearm muscles before xmas last year, and it was bad enough that even picking up the guitar and playing was agony. Typing on a computer was just as painful..

I gave guitar a break for around about a month, and when i started again i felt better. But in the last 2weeks i have started feeling numbness in both my hands.. and also my hands feel tired all the time when i play guitar or use the computer. I never had any numbness before, and this time its in both hands... Not sure what to do. Maybe its to do with the way i lay when i sleep or something?

Its doin my fkn head in :doh: :thumbsdown:
tweed":jjqxbxvl said:
I ended up with braces for my wrists that I wear when I sleep. I also tried a massage therapy approach years ago. It was painful as hell but it actually helped a lot.

Hey Randy, what kinda massage therapy did you try? Did you go to a specialist regularly to have it done?
I just had a guy here have sugery for that, he said there is a new technique, he had a fast recovery and all symptoms relieved, I will try to get some more info. for you.
Copperhead":14uxrb6n said:
I just had a guy here have sugery for that, he said there is a new technique, he had a fast recovery and all symptoms relieved, I will try to get some more info. for you.
Excellent! I'd love to hear about it.

Thank you for the support everyone, I really appreciate it. You guys have said more supportive and positive things just in this thread than I've received throughout this whole ordeal, so it really means a lot to me.
Telephant":32dfu3ao said:
I feel your pain brother (although yours may be worse than mine :cry: ). I have tendonitis in my right wrist (fretting hand) and its a pain in the ass. :aww:

Wouldn`t it be a pain in the hand? :confused:

Seriously, I feel for both of you, hand trouble and being a guitar player just sucks the big one :doh:
MrDan666":hzah5jaw said:
Damn dude sorry to hear that!!

Im having some issues with my tendons.. i had really bad pains in my forearm muscles before xmas last year, and it was bad enough that even picking up the guitar and playing was agony. Typing on a computer was just as painful..

I gave guitar a break for around about a month, and when i started again i felt better. But in the last 2weeks i have started feeling numbness in both my hands.. and also my hands feel tired all the time when i play guitar or use the computer. I never had any numbness before, and this time its in both hands... Not sure what to do. Maybe its to do with the way i lay when i sleep or something?

Its doin my fkn head in :doh: :thumbsdown:

Dan, have you tired some light workout for your hands/arms? It never hurts to get the blood flow up, it actually picks up garbage from places that need it. My shoulder was killing me, and then I started doing pushups and going for bike rides and walking in the forest, and it helped me. I have to carry two small dudes, so being unable to lift them up is non-negotiable :)

Try to see a local gym that isn`t for muscle dudes, but more like a physical therapist training place, if you know what I mean? (I`m translating from Norwegian here with a little red wine helping:D)
ke2":y6r4g6yk said:
Dan, have you tired some light workout for your hands/arms? It never hurts to get the blood flow up, it actually picks up garbage from places that need it. My shoulder was killing me, and then I started doing pushups and going for bike rides and walking in the forest, and it helped me. I have to carry two small dudes, so being unable to lift them up is non-negotiable :)

Try to see a local gym that isn`t for muscle dudes, but more like a physical therapist training place, if you know what I mean? (I`m translating from Norwegian here with a little red wine helping:D)


Yeah actually since yesterday i have started doing some gentle workout with light handweights. I found a video on youtube by a guy who had real bad CTS and he's about 95% better now after doing daily forearm and tendon exercise!

Il find the vid and post it here.. maybe it will be of some use to others. I have only done it twice so far.. yesterday and today, and already i have had a little bit less numbness in my hand!
MrDan666":2yr8x6la said:
ke2":2yr8x6la said:
Dan, have you tired some light workout for your hands/arms? It never hurts to get the blood flow up, it actually picks up garbage from places that need it. My shoulder was killing me, and then I started doing pushups and going for bike rides and walking in the forest, and it helped me. I have to carry two small dudes, so being unable to lift them up is non-negotiable :)

Try to see a local gym that isn`t for muscle dudes, but more like a physical therapist training place, if you know what I mean? (I`m translating from Norwegian here with a little red wine helping:D)


Yeah actually since yesterday i have started doing some gentle workout with light handweights. I found a video on youtube by a guy who had real bad CTS and he's about 95% better now after doing daily forearm and tendon exercise!

Il find the vid and post it here.. maybe it will be of some use to others. I have only done it twice so far.. yesterday and today, and already i have had a little bit less numbness in my hand!

Excellent, bro!! :rock:
My fiancee is trained in phys.ed (gym teacher and used to be a personal trainer and spinning instructor) always kicks my butt when I start to complain over my back and such. "Get out and walk, and do strenght exercises!"

(She doesn`t want be to become Schwarzenegger, but to stay with her as long as possible:) )
ke2":1475osmy said:
Excellent, bro!! :rock:
My fiancee is trained in phys.ed (gym teacher and used to be a personal trainer and spinning instructor) always kicks my butt when I start to complain over my back and such. "Get out and walk, and do strenght exercises!"

(She doesn`t want be to become Schwarzenegger, but to stay with her as long as possible:) )

Thats cool! Well atleast she can always help ya out if ya get any injuries or anything :thumbsup: She's probably right, its exercise thats mostly needed in a lot of cases. I really should do more exercise.. i just lack motivation lol :D :doh:
MrDan666":2mqqj1sy said:
tweed":2mqqj1sy said:
I ended up with braces for my wrists that I wear when I sleep. I also tried a massage therapy approach years ago. It was painful as hell but it actually helped a lot.

Hey Randy, what kinda massage therapy did you try? Did you go to a specialist regularly to have it done?

Yep went to a CMT and she worked on my forearms mostly for a few months. Im telling you the pain during the treatment was intense, but well worth it. The braces really help at night as well. They keep you from bending your wrists when you sleep. I guess about 80% or more of the damge is done while your sleeping and bending your wrists for long periods of time. I haven'thad to wear the braces in quite a while, but I may start again soon as im having a few issues lately.
Copperhead":34r5jl6w said:
I just had a guy here have sugery for that, he said there is a new technique, he had a fast recovery and all symptoms relieved, I will try to get some more info. for you.

I'm always wary of newer techniques. I do a lot of research on the subject prior to having surgery, so I know what I'll be up against, and what the general success ratio is.

I surprised my surgeon by asking him questions, like when he described what he was going to do, that I said, OK - I'm curious, why do you prefer the open method over endoscopic method? He turned on like a lightbulb - he probably doesn't get many patients that research and ask questions...I asked him quite a few questions about the proceedure, and not only felt better about the surgery, but I also gained a HUGE amount of confidence that he would give me the best care that he could - he was passionate about what he was doing, and took the time to explain everything...you don't get that very often.