Using Diezel Einstein combo as a poweramp

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Hi all! I'm the proud owner of a Diezel Einstein combo, which is really fantastic and has an outstanding sound.

I also have an Axe-Fx Standard, and I was wondering if it would be possible to use the Einstein as a poweramp to the Axe, and listen through de combo's 1x12". If this is possible, how could it be done?

Thanks in advance!
Go from the preamp to to serial return of the Einstein.

Turn volume and gain down on the Einstein and plug a cable
into the input on newer models
Wow! That was fast and doubt resolving. Thanks a lot Peter!

I love this little creation of yours :)
I've got a related question...

Funktioniert die beschriebene Methode bei jedem Röhrenamp? Also vom Output des z.B. POD X3 Live (oder anderen Preamps) in den Seriel Return eines Röhrenamps? Wann muss ich ein Kabel (wahrscheinlich als Dummykabel gedacht) in den Ampinput stecken? Auch immer? Oder speziell beim Einstein?

...for english friends, in short, does this function with other preamps (like X3 Live) and other Amps (like Marshall JCM Series), too? Hopefully, this isn't a stupid question, hope I've not read the related issues from the manuels over ;) Thanks...
Ja, aber Inputkabel nur bei den Diezels.

Kein Kabel mutet den Amp komplett.