glip22":1wewgcea said:
I went through so many speakers and have come back to the Vintage 30's. It is key as some posted that they break in. Huge difference. Not sure about the thicker grill cloth. Allot of people buy 30's and immediately take them out withput giving them a chance. I am very much sold on the Vintage 30 and G12T-75 mix. I do not like the 12t's by themselves, but with the 30's they are really good. I have no desire to try anything else at least for now. A nice thick punchy tone with some give but still retains nice tight bass. The mids are not spikey at all in my FL Uberkab. Love this cab.
I've had my V30 cab for a few years now. I've loved it ever since I got it, but over the last year now I've grown to dislike the speakers, particularly since I got another cab and put C90 Black Shadows and EV 12S speakers in it.
I tried putting a V30 speaker inside the cab with the EVs and C90s, and the V30 sounded annoying in comparison. I exchanged it for some Peavey speaker (it's an EV clone), and the tone of the whole cab has much improved. But yet if I run that cab with the full V30 cab, it sounds horrible! I checked for phase-cancelling and fixed it, but I still don't like the overall sound.
I like the V30 cab on its own. I LOVE the C90/EV cab on its own. I don't like both cabs used together, as they are.