Yeah that Kramer is awesome. Apparently that was a white whale guitar for her. I remember Guitar World or someone posting an article and this one guy who is an awesome shredder post a comment about his video showing how to play a new dream theater song 12 hours after release not getting any attention but her vids did. thankfully he removed it as it was a bit unnecessarily salty. I can be kind of a critic on some women shredders(I like tits as much as the next hetero guy but when they make videos where that is really the only draw do we need to elevate them in guitar mags?) She seems to be carrying herself well and is finding some success.
Seems like her dad turned her on to some cool music and she has put in the time and effort. I would like to see her do something that is a little less hero worshippy but when I was young I was similar with some of my heroes(not to that extent).