VH4 Channel 3 mod

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I've got a 2001 VH4S, and it doesn't seem like it's voiced the same as other VH4s.

Everyone I hear from tells me how tight channel 3 is, but on my amp it's pretty loose - almost Uberschall/Recto loose, although it's a different voicing than either of those amps.

Is there a mod that I can perform on Channel 3 to update it to current specs?
Even better...is it easily reversible, just in case I don't like it?

I'm sending my Vh4 to peter and he's "updating" it to the current Vh4 but I'm interested in this answer too.
Further clarify what you are wanting and what the amp presently does now that is good and bad in your opinion please.
Right now, Channel 4 is a LOT tighter than channel 3...it sounds like channel 3 if it were boosted with a bass-cut EQ.
The mid character on both channels is the same, but there's just a lot less bass hitting the preamp in Channel 4.
Also, as far as just overall level of bass, there's a lot more in channels 2 and 3.

I think what I'd need is a bypass cap across a resistor somewhere early in channel 3 to attenuate the bass below 250hz or so, but VH4 schematics don't exists, so it's not something that I can plan out by myself, and I don't really want to tear apart my VH4 before I have a clear plan of attack.

I'm a bit perplexed as to what is up with my personal VH4.
Everything I hear says that it's a super-tight amp (which is true for channel 4) and that channel 3 is tighter (which isn't true in my case).

In the end, I'd really like channel 3 to sound like a lower-gain version of channel 4.
Please send a picture of Your board to:

peterdiezel (at) diezelamplification (dot) com
Peter -

Pic sent. Thanks for your help.


Also, FWIW, I tried swapping each preamp tube with known good tubes, and I didn't get any significant tonal changes, so I don't think it's a bad tube.
I can tell you I had a older VH4 and then I just got a brand new VH4s from Peter and Terry and there is a huge difference in the tone to my ears. The new VH4 Peter is putting out is AMAZING. Very tight, Channel 1 sounds awesome for clean, Channel two is right now my favorite, I can Nail Gary Moore tones with it. Channel 3 is tight and heavy but musical and channel 4 is liquid lead. Just a great amp.

I wonder what the specific differences are.

I mean, I don't want to change a thing about Channel 4 - it's perfect.
I just want to see if I can get channel 3 to sound more like it.