kahawe":386onssm said:
bato: What about the playing feel? I except you to noticed a rather big difference there, didnt you? Herb feels "easier" to play, vh4 you need to put "more" into it and don't fuck up even a little. At least that's my take.
You know what, when I played this VH4 I was overwhelmed of the playing feel. In this moment I was ready to sell my amp and buy myself a VH4. After that, we connected the Herbert and I thought:" it is no big difference at all". We were 3 guys and started talking about compression, feel, attack, heaviness, quickness, fullness and all that weird stuff inside our insane guitar brains.
And then we connected the AB box. And the magic happened. In the end we were not able to detect the amp side inside the cab. Was Herbert left and VH4 right or the other way? And we did a circle of, playing, switching and listening.
Part of the pre discussion was how the VH4 has a quicker response. One guy read this, as all of us, in numerous forums. So it has to be right! Right??? In the end he stated the Herbert the quicker attack and response. But even in that point I didn't realize any differences.
And something beside Diezel, but very similar:
Last Friday I watched Etreme live. Nuno's 3 Randall amps didn't made any sound. So they called a friend of mine, if he could borrow the his Marshall DSL's.
Nuno's sound was amazing. I never ever heard that live!!! It was amazing. And you all know his sound, but you won't believe me if I'll tell you his amp settings!!! I didn't believed it although I saw them.
All I want to say with that is, it doesn't matter what amp especially inside a brand, you can dial them close each to another. It's only what do you want. Do you want a big 4 ch amp, or 3, how many watt, etc.
Hebert has defiantly the classic Diezel trademark sound which for me is above all. But Herbert has more options.
Dmoll is smaller, lil Fokker bigger but very sweet, Einstein has the best Texas blues sound I ever heard and so on.
But VH4 and Herbert are the classics for me. And I love them all, and would love to own them all!!!