VH4 Send 2 with serial return?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jaymz82
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New member
Hi folks,

I need some help with the effects configuration of my VH4. I scored a Rocktron Intellifex from the bay and finally today found the time to try it out. I originally wanted to use it with the serial return to prevent phase and volume issues and using the switchable send 2 so that it won't be in the signal chain all the time. But somehow, if send 2 is inactive there no sound at all. Activated everything is fine. Using send 2 and the parallel return work fine.
So is it normal that if send 2 and serial return are connected (also tried it with a patch cable) the amp is muted while send 2 is inactive? Thought the loop should be completely bypassed in that case :confused:

Use Send 2 only with parallel volume.
Didn´t we describe it in the manual ?
Nope, didn't find anything about that in the manual. Thank you for clarifying :thumbsup:

I will use the parallel return then, that's no problem :) Just got a little deeper into programming the Intellifex and it's no big deal to set it up for use in a parallel loop!

I had the same confusion when I got my VH4 too. I thought having Send 2 through the serial loop but with the light off would just bypass the loop, the way that my previous Road King II would. Uwe Salwender told me that kind of thing isn't actually a pure serial loop though, and as long as there's something in the VH4's serial loop, it's going to produce no sound if you turn the Send 2 itself off... So I'm basically running everything through my effects at all times now via Send 1 and then Serial Return. I tried parallel but couldn't get the phasing problems etc solved since it's a multi-effect unit and setting everything 100% wet to get rid of the phasing doesn't offer much effects mix control other than the single parallel loop mix knob on the amp...

I'm wondering though if it's possible for me to use Send 2 with the parallel loop to create a volume boost like what the "Solo" knob on the Mesas do?

Hi Ryan,

thanks for sharing the info. I still have to do some experimenting on how my effects will work in the parallel loop. I haven't had much time lately and hopefully find the time around Christmas. As far as I found out yet, the Intellifex allows to set the amount of dry signal that passes the unit to 0 so there won't be any phasing problems. A kill dry switch would have been easier though.

Concerning the volume boost I can tell that it works very well. I'm currently using it for solo boosts here and there.
