I had a thread about the favorite uni vibe pedals going not to long ago. A lot of people chimed in with some good enough on some lesser known pedals.
IMO, the best would be the Chrome chassis Dunlop UV1. The problem, however, is that they're out of production, and not cheap. So when my latest UV1 bit the dust in the tail end of 2016, I went hunting for a new Univibe. The following pedals are what I like the most to least. I spent about two hours at the guitar center in San Francisco playing through every univibe they had. All played at volume with a les paul custom through a be-100 (at volume). Also, the pedal was placed in front of the amp (not the FX loop).
Fulltone Deja Vibe- this just had a quality that everything else lacked. It doesn't jump out of the mix like a UV1 will, but it's lush/warm and just has a polished feel to it.
Voodoo micro vibe- Killer pedal, just not as warm as the Deja IMO.
TC Electronic Viscous- I thought this was what I was going to buy until I played the Fulltone. Tons of features and choices on this pedal, but really lacks in the warmth area. Very noticeable when compared to the Deja vibe.
Moen Shaky Jimi - This was the surprise (shouldn't sound as it does) pedal IMO. Stupid cheap Chinese made pedal. Sounded much better than the new Dunlop pedal imo.
Dunlop Univibe (not the UV1)- Hatted this in the signal chain. I've purchased on of these when they first came out ... sold it the same week. Was hopeful that Dunlop had mirrored the UV1 with a design upgrade and thats not the case.