warm up the tweaker 40?

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How can I warm up the sound of my new tweaker 40? I'm playing it through an EVM 12L which may be too stiff sounding for this amp. Does it just need to break in? Different speaker? Different tube in V1? Try the Egnater Cab with G12H?

Thanks for any and all thoughts.

The speaker you're running may be the problem? You could p/u the egnater cab at GC, try it to see if it's the speaker? if it isn't the speaker you can return it.
Definetly the Speaker. The G30H is the Bomb with the Tweaker Line. I tried 2 different cabinets speaker combo with mine and ended up just buying the Stock Egnater 1x12. That amp and That cab is a great match.

Alternative Choice is the C-Rex by Eminence, I also like this speaker and it sounds great with my Mod50.
I finally broke down and bought the matching Egnater 1x12 for the tweaker 40 and now I'm happy. I've never been a big Celestian fan but this combination is really great (G12H 30) . Perfect amp and cabinet match.
Rehearsed with it last night and was very happy.
Gigging on it next weekend with a big horn band doing R&B and blues. Should be great.
Yeah man, and wait until that speaker breaks in. Just gets better as it goes. Those need some volume and some hours on them to get them sounding their best. You made a good choice.
Okay, so I have now gigged on my Tweaker 40 for 3 nights at the Foxwoods casino with an 8 piece R&B horn band. Used the Egnater 1x12 cab with it (Celestian G12H). I'm now VERY happy.

Amp was miked so 40 watts was plenty, took 2 nights to get the settings the way I wanted them but by the last night this amp/cab was killer with my PRS and my STRAT.

I basically ended up using the "clean jazz" settings shown in the manual as it turned out. This was not intentional, that's just where I ended up (although I was not playing jazz at all)

I only used the clean sounds since I was doing overdrive with a Fulltone Fulldrive2.

Amp and matching cabinet is the way to go!!

I'll use the amp distortion in the studio for heavier rock things.
After 55 years playing Fender amps as a blues and R&B player, I now have Tweaker 40 head I'm using with Jaguar Classic Player with single coil pups (bright lead circuit and 1 meg pot dark rhythm circuit). I'm using cab with 12" Red Fang ALNICO speaker (35 oz magnet). Amp is best blackface I've ever owned, including Fargen Blackbird (6L6's) which cost $2500. I'm using Holy Grail reverb and BDF analog tremolo pedal in effects loop, and Barber Tone Press and LTD OD pedals in front. I find same Jazzy Clean settings as rockhandman best, only with bass at 12:00. Never believed I'd get this tone at this price or any price until I tried it out. Easy carry as well. I can use one channel for both lead and rhythm on these settings with my pedals.