Weird Tourmaster Noise

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Len Rabinowitz

Len Rabinowitz

New member
My Tourmaster has been amiking a strange sound. Maybe you guys can help.

It seems to only happen on channel one. Wheneevr I hit a B note- like 4th string 9th fret- I get this weird "BBBZZZZZZZZRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT" kind of ringing sound.

My guess is that it is a microphonic tube resonating to that pitch.

The thing is- The manual only talks about one tube in terms of channel one- V1. However, I also know that the manual doesn't tell the whole story in terms of what the tubes do.

I replaced V1 but I am still getting it. Could be two bad tubes I guess but that doesn't seem likely.

Could it be any of the other tubes?

Could it be power tubes?

I can't think that it is something loose because it only happens channel one, and only after the amp warms up a bit.

:scared: :confused: :cry: :rock:
In my experience,that kind of ringing tone has always been linked to a Power Tube problem.Sometimes,after having swapped the power tubes,you can use them again later and it works can also be patient but if it doesn't go away ,i would look at the Power Tubes. NB:Of course,since it's only happening on ch1,it's supposed to be the pre-amp tubes,but i see you've already done the right thing and i'm only talking about my limited experience.... ;)
You'd think a power tube would hit all four channels, though. Also, last night I put my POD right into the power amp- bypassing the preamp tubes, and the problem didn't happen.

I'll give it a shot, though. Thanks!

My guess Is there are 2 pre-amp tubes used for your Clean Channel...

I have the Rebel 30, that has 4 preamp tubes with 2 channels. I believe the rebel 20 has 2 preamp tubes for 1 channel... so using that logic...4 channels 8 preamp tubes.. two per channel?

so maybe V1 and V5?

Just thinking...
I think you are right. The problem is that the only tube the manual mentions for channel 2 is V1.
maybe try the PI in slot 8? if its not that, try the reverb tube first (if you use the reverb on). try the effects tubes. after that, i have no suggestions.

before i traded my old heartbreaker for the TM, we swapped power tubes in the HB, as it was giving a weird harmonic buzz.

seems it was the power tubes, and at first, in the one room, it was rattling a pictures on the wall, but only to certain notes, and they were seemingly buzzing in harmony..really fucking strange!

but it was mainly the power tubes.

also, check your bias and make sure it didn't float up or down....maybe it's up and theres a HOT tube?
It seems the sound has stopped for now. i'm sure it is a funky tube, but which one?

The PI did occur to me and I will try that next if it happens again. It's kind of intermittent which makes it hard to diagnose.

I did re-bias it a few weeks ago. It had drifted really hot- around 150! I reset it so it should be OK, but I'll check it again.

Might be power tubes, but I am betting pre-amp tubes are more likely.

It's even possible that it could just be something vibrating at that frequency, and that the tonal differences between the channels are enough so that it only happens on channel one.


I had the exact same thing with my M&B and it was coming from the Power Tubes :yes: .No problem since i changed them...
It seems the sound has stopped for now.
That's why i told you
"you can also be patient "
because i've had the same experience...Anyway,everything is fine now ;) Good luck !
After trying a few pre-amp tubes, I finally switched the power tubes and that seems to have done it.

:confused: :confused:

Still not sure why that would hit only one channel.

Still, now I am rockin' with new power tubes and a big glass of Chivas!

:) ;) :D :) :yes: :lol: :LOL: :thumbsup: :doh: :rock:
Len Rabinowitz":qeowda05 said:
After trying a few pre-amp tubes, I finally switched the power tubes and that seems to have done it.

:confused: :confused:

Still not sure why that would hit only one channel.

Still, now I am rockin' with new power tubes and a big glass of Chivas!

:) ;) :D :) :yes: :lol: :LOL: :thumbsup: :doh: :rock:
:D ;) Congrats !I'm happy it did work for you too :rock: !Thanks for the follow-up !
What was even weirder- It would happen on my Les Paul and my 335, but not my Strat! I assume that is because of the difference in volume output, or maybe tonality differences.

:confused: :rock:
And I should add that a good shot of Chivas will fix nearly anything!

;) :D :lol: :LOL: :yes: :thumbsup: :) :doh: :rock:
or maybe one or the other of the two guitars contained a "tonal vibration" that set the power tubes off one way or another.
I think that was definitely part of it. The higher output of the humbuckers as oppossed to the Strat, and maybe the woodier tone of the 335 as well.
