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Chris R

Chris R

New member
Have any of you guys ever setup wet/dry/wet rigs? What was your experience with the setup (other than more gear to haul)?

I am thinking of using my Mod50's Slave out to an Axefx Standard, with redwirez impulses. Then, mic my dry cab and using the FOH board to mix the two together. Any feedback on doing a wet/dry/wet this way?
Yea, I have done it. I felt like it was harder to hear. I preferred a Wet/Dry set up with mono effects. Stereo effects just get too spread out to hear on stage for me and I don't think it translates well to the audience. If you like it that will be all that matters and possibly worth it. The audience will not know (I don't know if you plant to gig the W/D/W rig) unless you are using three mics and a killer loud PA in a big room. I now use effects that have a good mixer in them and it is really just as good. W/D/W can be fun, but just not worth it in the end ... for me.
Yea, I have done it. I felt like it was harder to hear. I preferred a Wet/Dry set up with mono effects. Stereo effects just get too spread out to hear on stage for me and I don't think it translates well to the audience. If you like it that will be all that matters and possibly worth it. The audience will not know (I don't know if you plant to gig the W/D/W rig) unless you are using three mics and a killer loud PA in a big room. I now use effects that have a good mixer in them and it is really just as good. W/D/W can be fun, but just not worth it in the end ... for me.

Thanks for the feedback. I have been practicing in my condo by loading down (somewhat) the head and micing a DeadRoom/Scumback combo into a Metric Halo 2882, using the Reverb from the 2882 as a wet substitute. I prefer the tone of the Mod50 without digital effects in the serial loop, and was thinking of using the isocab live, dry, then splitting out the slave to an Axe or even Eleven Rack, wet to the PA, using QSC HPR122i/subs. The venues range from typical small clubs/bars to outdoor festivals with a bigger PA... But you're right. I haven't played a show that had a stereo PA (even opening for acts), that I could tell from the audience was stereo. So, Wet/Dry is probably a better scenario. Thanks for the tip! When you say "a good mixer in them", any unit/s in particular, or do you take the dry mic'ed signal and wet them with a processor through the PA or back into your cab/s?
Most of the better units have this. i know the Rocktron stuff does. I beleive the TC Electronics gear does too. I have used units that do not have a mixer that sound good too. It just depends how it sounds in the loop. Some are good, some not.