Whammy pedal and VH4

  • Thread starter Thread starter mark-anthony
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Just wondering if the Digitech Whammy pedal sounds better in the Serial loop of the VH4 or in front of the amp.

Well, running any sort of modulation before or after any preamp and/or distortion is going to sound fundamentally different - so this is very much a question of what sound do you want, as is almost always the case with pedal-placement. There are no 100% correct rules, just suggestions or rather default positions for obvious reasons.
kahawe":1sseyqpy said:
Well, running any sort of modulation before or after any preamp and/or distortion is going to sound fundamentally different - so this is very much a question of what sound do you want, as is almost always the case with pedal-placement. There are no 100% correct rules, just suggestions or rather default positions for obvious reasons.

To get the "full effect", I'd stick it up front personally, but serial would and could work too.
I have actually used it in both positions in the loop of a Mark IV. It sounded better in front as far as being less "glitchy" and shaky sounding. It sounded really processed and weird in the loop but that could cool if you wanted that sound.
I have always prefered Whammy in serial loop. Currently I use Eventide Eclipse to do these biaatch-shifter things and by no surtprise it is in VH4's serial loop. But it is absolutely correct what has been stated, that it depends on the effect you are looking for. Naturally you must also take into account what other units you have and in which order you want to have them in your signal chain.

P.S. Digitech Whammy sucks tone so no matter where you insert it, consider some kind of loop to bypass it when it is not engaged. Unless you are one of those few chosen ones who stick to the essential and prefer to rock out with your c*ck out and do not mind about little tone losses.