What boost to get... MI Audio Tube Zone, Keeley SD-1, Keeley TS9DX

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What do you guys think? I've heard clips of the Tube Zone, and it sounds good, but then again it could be the amp and who knows what else. I've heard the KSD-1 and it fucking pwns, we all know that. I've never heard the KTS9DX, but apparently the stock TS9DXs sold out COMPLETELY at like every store last/this month. I've heard it stock for like 5 minutes, but never played one, but we all know TS9s are great.

So anyone have any experience/opinions/preferences?
If you want to try something a bit different try an Option 5 destination overdrive. I have one and love it. Very quiet with tons of boost and a very unique TMB eq section. Check out clips at pedalgeek.com
soc_monki":2d14b said:
get an SD-1 and mod it yourself! :D LOL

We can't all be as handy and in-the-know as you Mr. Fancy-Pants! :roll:

Plus, I'm not knowledgeable enough to start modding stuff yet. One step at a time for me. Gotta crawl before you can walk.
Qweklain":cf5be said:

We can't all be as handy and in-the-know as you Mr. Fancy-Pants! :roll:

Plus, I'm not knowledgeable enough to start modding stuff yet. One step at a time for me. Gotta crawl before you can walk.

get an SD-1 and send to me? ill mod it for you for the price of parts and shipping, and a few bucks for lunch or something? :twisted:

id probably go Keeley...everytime i think about Vai's tone on the Astortia DVD, when he punches on the Keeley DS-1...yea...drool!
i've got a Keeley TS9DX and it's a great pedal, but it cost enough that you could buy two deferent really nice pedals for what it cost.

for instance a Keeley SD1 and an MI Audio Crunchbox would be about the same money as just the TS9DX.

as you know, what amp you use will make a hell of a deference.

anyways, i've used the K. TS9DX with a Triple Rec. and a little XXX 40 watt combo. it works great as a clean boost, but neather of these amps seem to get along when the drive is turned up. guess the little 4way mode selector is allright, but i set it on the hottest mode and leave it. allways run the boost switch on the lower gain setting. the potential of this pedal would probably be of more use with a lower gain amp?

so not trying to rag on Keeley, i'll be buying more of his pedals. just thinking for the money two deferent pedals might be a better option. Hell maybe two deferent Keeleys? would love to try one of his Rats. people rag on the DS1, but Vai is using a Keeley modded one.
i have a keeley ts9dx and it's the best pedal...i had a keeley modded sd-1 also and hated it...
Smart People factory Ego booster

best boost ive tried so far
I just bought a Cusack Screamer about a month ago and it's great. Like a TS but about twice the gain.
Check out the HBE Power Screamer or the Keeley Modified Sparkle Drive both very high quality and very different.
I can custom build you a ts808 and shape the mods how ever you want.
I've been using a Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive and it's a great overdrive pedal. Lots of versatility in it. I understand the Keeley mods is nice, but I love mine stock.

I'm awaiting the parts for a BYOC Screamer kit as well, just to get tweaking my own pedals.
Durham Sexdrive or Mucho Busto....:)

I hear the BBE Green Screamer is kick ass as well. :)
Gahhh you all tell me different ones!! That doesn't help me at all :lol: That Option 5 Overdrive is quite interesting though. Sounds very nice with TONS of gain (VERY important), but keeps it very, articulate which is also very important.

I guess I should have mentioned what I would like in the booster huh?
1. LOTS of gain
2. Actually stays articulate, doesn't "add mud"

So far I'm leaning towards MI Tube Zone, Option 5 Overdrive, or HBE Power Screamer (Big D maybe? Seems like more gain)