what is better: rocktron midimate or behringer fcb1010

The behringer is cheap, fairly easy to program and VERY flexible. I think you can do more tricks with it than the rocktron - like make each footswitch on the behringer turn off/on effects or do tap tempo, etc - I believe the midimate just allows you to split the footswitch.

If you don't need to send cc messages (in other words, turn effects off and on within a patch, stuff like that) then you can get a cheaper board. The FCB has a lot of features that if you're just looking to cycle through presets, you'll never use or need.

I have the Behringer. I don't love it, and I always think about getting something else, but until I have the money for something like the Axess FX1 or something in that area, I don't see much point. It does the job - and it has 2 switching relays.
The Behringer has more bang for the buck with 2 expression pedals and channel switching relays built-in. The negatives are it's larger than the Midi-Mate, no phantom power, and waaay harder to program for novice users than the M-M. If you go this route you're probably gonna want the PC based programming software a frustrated yahoo group user wrote. I believe there may be a phantom power mod too?

The Midi-Mate is smaller, easier to program, you can name your own presets, and you can phantom power it. The negatives are there's no channel switching relays and only one expression pedal input and you have to buy your own pedal.

The buttons on both units have virtually no feedback when pressed, in other words no positive click. There's other less important negatives both units share, no need to get into that.

For a little more cash you could get a Ground Control Pro and a couple EB pedals and be done with it.
The midi mate worked fine for me but the buttons were way too small for my feet.

I've used the behringer in the past with no problems and it was very easy to program. I just picked up another one and am having a harder time programming it...but it's version 1.0. I have a new chip on the way to hopefully make it easier.
I've had both, but seem to prefer the midimate. The FCB1010 is HUGE by the way....very hard to incorporate onto a pedal board without having it be gigantic. Buttons on the midimate are a little hard to press though.