What makes stompboxes pre amps



New member
Im curious as i dont really know, but a lot of stompboxes are being advertised as preamps nowadays. What makes them preamps? Having channels or an output that is loud enough for a power amp? There seem to be a lot of nice sounding pedals out and i want to build a stereo pedal rig that i can carry in a pedalboard case.
Im curious as i dont really know, but a lot of stompboxes are being advertised as preamps nowadays. What makes them preamps? Having channels or an output that is loud enough for a power amp? There seem to be a lot of nice sounding pedals out and i want to build a stereo pedal rig that i can carry in a pedalboard case.
Tone and volume controls/FX. It’s marketing.
Higher output level on a proper preamp pedal

Many of them will have either separate outputs or a switch to change that level depending on if you're running it as a true preamp or in front of an amp's input