Rob Tahan":2dkjd0n2 said:
cyndicate":2dkjd0n2 said:
I always found the cry baby to be the culprit in tone suckage, unless it was true bypassed.
Really? Any good suggestions for a wah pedal? anyone
I hate to suggest anything because for some reason I seem to quickly wear out every Wah pedal that I've ever owned no matter what brand or how much it cost.

My favorite that I have (which is also broken) is the Fulltone Clyde Deluxe. (Great sound, very expensive, & only lasted two years) I started using the Morley because of the optical vs. pots idea & I figured I wouldn't wear them out so fast. I've since really fallen in love with the switchless aspect of the Morley and though I didn't like the sound at first, have really come to dig it.
That being said, I also purchased the Morley George Lynch wah at the same time as the Bad Horsie 2 & used it as my main wah for the last five or so months and it went tits-up on me last Saturday?
We'll have to see how long the Bad Horsie 2 lasts? I'm coming to the conclusion that I must be jinxed with wah's. I've got five or six dead ones now sitting in my studio collecting dust......................