What pickup is for me?


Active member
I'm looking to replace the JB/59 set of my Charvel San Dimas and would like to know what Suhr pickup to get. I've only tried the SSV as I had them in both both Suhr guitars.
I find the highs of the JB to be to harsh and the pickup itself to lack definition and articulation. My favorite guitarists are Gary Moore, George Lynch, Warren DeMartini, Dann Huff and John Sykes. I want a pickup that can cover their tones and I want it to be really articulated, dynamic, thick tones, no harsh high, tight enough lows and good pick attack. I don't play metal. I play mostly 80's hardrock, heavy blues but also slower songs where I want smooth leads.

I mostly use a Splawn QuickRod 100 set with the gain set to medium to keep the articulation and definition. So...what do you suggest?

Maybe a SSV+, DSV or DSV+? I want it to be medium-hot. So the Aldrich is out of the question.
Medium-hot, I like the Thornbucker 2.

I haven't tried the new Woodbucker, but looking at the specs, it should fit fine.

IME the SSH+ is a bit more like a less hot, more polite JB. Looking at the specs, it seems slightly "hotter" than a JB, but it's much less aggressive so in the end, not really.

I used the Thornbucker 2 here:
