What to do here


New member
first post here, not sure if it's the right spot but Dave is the man on rigs!!!
Do I want too use a switching system of some sort. I don't have rockstars money to play
with. So here us a run down of my rig;
dime wah; wylde od; whammy; mxr flange; evh phase; electro harm small stone; Ernie volume w/ tuner out; line 6 dl4 delay; an old peavey rack with a doubler effect and korg tuner with cable sent from volume pedal. Going into 2x JCM800 50watt head; 1 2x12 Marshall can and a 5150 cab.

I thought about voodoo labs gcx; Rivera rm1; Carl martin combinator; rocktron patchmate floor unit;

Any suggestions....I do plan on adding a few more piece to the pie as well.

Hi and welcome to the forum. Do you want to keep your effects on a slide-out shelf in a rack, or do you want to run a pedalboard along with your rack gear? Once you decide that, there are several switchers that would do what you need.

If you decide to go rack, I'd suggest a unit from rjm music. http://www.rjmmusic.com along with a good midi controller such as a voodoo lab ground control pro.

If you are going to run a pedalboard, you could use something like this to control all of your pedals, channel switching on both of your 800's and midi functions to control rack gear as well. http://www.rockbox.com/efxmkii.htm
Hey thanks I'll check these out. My problem is that I'm fn too back and forth. I am leaning towards a radial big shot efx. I like the voodoo labs but not sure ifi want the effects in the rack. I do know I don't want them all on line.....I'll check out this rjm
My 800s are the first series with only one channel so if you want clean you either hit it hard with an od/dist or roll back on the volume for cleanblike zakk wylde
If you're going to add more pedals later on, I'd go for the Musicom. It has 8 loops for pedals and 4 additional loops for changing amp channels and functions. If you go with the Patchmate or GCX you'll run out of loops and have to add a second unit.
The musicom and Providence are great. Each one has +'s and minuses. The choice depends on what you need out of it.
Looks lime I'll go the poor mans way ....using the radial big shot efx for now.....bought an explorer a rotovibe and bls chorus....couldn't pass up the good deal