What's the deal with this new TGP spinoff forum?

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I noticed recently that some TGP members started a new forum. I haven't really investigated it but from my discovery over at the Fractal forum these guys were possibly tired of getting banned for things and started their own forum. This was in a thread where Cliff of Fractal was talking about his TGP ban. At the time it almost seemed as mockery but they got Michael Nielsen of Big Hairy Guitars and Satiago Alvarez of Marshall fame to have their own thread in their Ask Me Anything section which I think is cool. I haven't really read through the rest of the forum or even joined for that matter but have been enjoying Michael and Santiago's posts.

I posted this over at Marshall's forum at it got deleted for some reason but their moderators are the only ones I've had problems with in the past.. they are always deleting things, locking threads and editing posts.

Anybody know what this is all about?

Here are links to Michael and Satiago's Threads:
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I’m going to go ask Santiago why is Marshall so stupid to not put out a Jose style amp for the last 10-15 years? They could have reached out to Jose amp owners, Friedman, Cameron, Fortin to get some ideas. They would have sold a shit ton of amps…. 🤷.

Oh, fuck TGP. That money machine will never be honest with its advertisers about the true number of subscribers. Heck, I have at least 10-20 alts there from being banned, forgetting passwords, etc. I know I’m not the only one. 🤣
I signed up there and spent a couple of hours reading the forum..

Looks like a bunch of the guys from GGF (formerly GAB).

Those guys were really into modelers.
I poked around and noticed some familiar names so I signed up and will give it a shot. I generally just do 1 or 2 forums at a time especially when it's two with the same subject matter. So I'll mainly stick to RT unless for some ungodly reason RT goes down the shitter. Though that better not happen, I like it here.
I poked around and noticed some familiar names so I signed up and will give it a shot. I generally just do 1 or 2 forums at a time especially when it's two with the same subject matter. So I'll mainly stick to RT unless for some ungodly reason RT goes down the shitter. Though that better not happen, I like it here.
Let us know if you figure out who started it. I think JiveTurkey has something to do with it because he is advertising it in his sig at TGP... surprised they don't block that or ban him since it started the way it did.
Let us know if you figure out who started it. I think JiveTurkey has something to do with it because he is advertising it in his sig at TGP... surprised they don't block that or ban him since it started the way it did.
He has the highest post count too.

That's a good bet.
I'm not 100% sure who exactly started it, but it was definitely started by people from TGP who were fed up with the stupid shit over there. I've been chatting with a few of the staff throughout the day and it looks like they're the driving force behind getting things started. Also seems like about 90% of the members are TGP refugees. There's a 20 page thread on how everyone there was banned from TGP. A lot of them are the ones with a wealth of knowledge that were banned or walked away from TGP a while ago. Its actually kind of nice to see some of those names again.

It's being described as option #3 or a middle ground. Not as heavy handed as TGP, but not as rowdy as RT(OTC). So far that seem to be a fairly accurate description.
I'm not 100% sure who exactly started it, but it was definitely started by people from TGP who were fed up with the stupid shit over there. I've been chatting with a few of the staff throughout the day and it looks like they're the driving force behind getting things started. Also seems like about 90% of the members are TGP refugees. There's a 20 page thread on how everyone there was banned from TGP. A lot of them are the ones with a wealth of knowledge that were banned or walked away from TGP a while ago. Its actually kind of nice to see some of those names again.

It's being described as option #3 or a middle ground. Not as heavy handed as TGP, but not as rowdy as RT(OTC). So far that seem to be a fairly accurate description.
TGP must not be too bad if they are letting JT have the site in his sig after all the ragging they are doing there.. unless they don't know about it LOL
He has the highest post count too.

That's a good bet.
He does at most forums he's a member of.. I don't know how he lives his regular life with so many posts everywhere.
I'm not 100% sure who exactly started it, but it was definitely started by people from TGP who were fed up with the stupid shit over there. I've been chatting with a few of the staff throughout the day and it looks like they're the driving force behind getting things started. Also seems like about 90% of the members are TGP refugees. There's a 20 page thread on how everyone there was banned from TGP. A lot of them are the ones with a wealth of knowledge that were banned or walked away from TGP a while ago. Its actually kind of nice to see some of those names again.

It's being described as option #3 or a middle ground. Not as heavy handed as TGP, but not as rowdy as RT(OTC). So far that seem to be a fairly accurate description.
RT is the only real "Free Speech " platform . Apparently the mods over on the new TGP think the RT is extreme LOL.
RT is the only real "Free Speech " platform . Apparently the mods over on the new TGP think the RT is extreme LOL.
I guess if all you're used to is the woke nonsense at TGP then anything normal would seem to be extreme. So of course RT is going to appear insane LOL!
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TGP must not be too bad if they are letting JT have the site in his sig after all the ragging they are doing there.. unless they don't know about it LOL
TheGearPage is pretty horrible. :ROFLMAO:

The way they treat people who aren't "in the club", I mean.

To this day I still get taunting text messages from people I knew there about me getting permabant a-year-and-a-half ago.
TheGearPage is pretty horrible. :ROFLMAO:

The way they treat people who aren't "in the club", I mean.

To this day I still get taunting text messages from people I knew there about me getting permabant a-year-and-a-half ago.
What happened? Always wondered where you went. You used to post some hilarious (to me anyway) shite there.

I came to find TGP just too damned annoying with all the perpetual ignorant assed questions, and endless circular mindless debates over the same damned crap day in and day out. Also tired of tippy-toeing around all the wokedom leftist eggshells.

The OMG the sky is falling no more tubes and spineless reverb belly-aching was the last straw. Just couldn't stand to read anymore of the braindead bullshit.

The Pub has the biggest collection of narcissistic dumbasses that think they're smart, than any place I know of. They've got it all, economists, political scientists, doctors. The smartest creme of the crop. If you doubt it, just ask them.
What happened? Always wondered where you went. You used to post some hilarious (to me anyway) shite there.

I came to find TGP just too damned annoying with all the perpetual ignorant assed questions, and endless circular mindless debates over the same damned crap day in and day out. Also tired of tippy-toeing around all the wokedom leftist eggshells.

The OMG the sky is falling no more tubes and spineless reverb belly-aching was the last straw. Just couldn't stand to read anymore of the braindead bullshit.

The Pub has the biggest collection of narcissistic dumbasses that think they're smart, than any place I know of. They've got it all, economists, political scientists, doctors. The smartest creme of the crop. If you doubt it, just ask them.
Long story short.. FGTCrazy perma-bant me for posting a link to an NBC news story about Ted Nugent saying he had acquired Covid-19.

You can't make that shit up.

Long story short.. FGTCrazy perma-bant me for posting a link to an NBC news story about Ted Nugent saying he had acquired Covid-19.

You can't make that shit up.

They might have done ya a favor. You're probably better appreciated in a venue like this.

That sounds like a herb/DGT move fo-sho. I believe that guy is a little light in the loafers. He's been stepping in all the shit trekking through the left coast homeless-tent cities walking home from the fire station. Him and fat-assed mike of the "raider nation" need to carpool. Him and pelosi like the same ice cream refrigerators.

Bunch of god damned clap-trap cry babies.

TGP....the twitter of the gear world.
That sounds like a herb/DGT move fo-sho. I believe that guy is a little light in the loafers. He's been stepping in all the shit trekking through the left coast homeless-tent cities walking home from the fire station.
I remember the time someone posted a negative thread about Kylie Jenner and her make-up line, and how she was profiting off impressionable teenage girls.

FGTCrazy came in there like his panties were on fire, and told everyone to stop degrading Kylie Jenner.

I was like.. WTF am I reading here ! :ROFLMAO:
Back on the old Birds and Moons forum, he had a link to a band he was in at the time.

I told him he needed to crop the picture out of the fat-ass girl singer. Figured that would get me a time out. Nothing happened.