Which creamback? Or other recommendations



Well-known member
Have three 4x12s but would like to add another. Leaning towards KSR and loading with cream backs, but m65 or h75s?

Currently have:
Older Marshall loaded with Fane F70s
Older VHT loaded with Scumback M75/J75s
Newer Fryette loaded with V30/Redback X pattern

So straight up creambacks or a mix with something to compliment?

Have a spare set of eminence legends and Fane F90s, will likely throw those into the classifieds when I’m less lazy
I like the M65’s. Higher powered greenback type sound. H75 like the H30 has no midrange, just treble and bass. Might be good for a bass amp I suppose.
Man I’m just not a fan of cream backs … at least from clips. Real life-never heard them…
Use Avatar speakers. I recommend the AV75s. It's like a perfected GB in my opinion.

The Fane M65 is a cool speaker too but honestly, the AV75s have everything in the spectrum I am seeking.

They say the AV75 is closer to the H but I don't get that terrible treble they have, it is also clearer than the M. Again, why I believe they have basically nailed the GB speaker in fullness.

The AV75 is kinda like you have full bass, mids, and treble all in one speaker so yeah, I use them with my Marshall amps AND Fender interchangeably.
I had some G12H-75 creambacks in an X Pattern with Mesa 60W V30s. I could have gotten away with 65W Creamies, but I still really enjoyed the mix. Big aggression on with the V30s and nice round off with the creambacks.