Which Egnater is more apartment friendly....

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....The Rebel20 or the Tweaker?

I've been on the hunt for a small wattage amp for a while now. Something that will sound good without shaking the plaster. I've read a bunch of reviews and listened to a lot of sound clips of these two Egnater amps. I have to say I am very impressed with both amps. I'm just a little unsure which will suit my situation best. I like the varible wattage of the Rebel. But the tonal options of the Tweaker have me very intrigued.

After all of the searching and listening I've done the past couple of months, it's come down to these two amps. So any real life wisdom will be very appreciated.

Here is my current amp list. They all sound great. But put out a bit too much power for my living situation.

1982 JCM800 22044
1973 Silverface Twin Reverb
1968(?) Traynor YBA-1.

Thanks a bunch guys.
Well, based on wattage alone, the Tweaker is 15 vs. 20 for the Rebel. Although, there isn't much of a perceived difference in loudness between those two numbers from what I understand.

IMHO, I have a Rebel 30 head and it sounds pretty darn good at low volumes, so I think that either of those amps would sound equally good at low volumes.

I would think a truly apartment friendly tube amp would be a 5 watter, though.
Maybe a .5 watt.

Watts & Loudness are two different things and not necessarily tied together.

There is +3db difference between 50 vs. 100 watt tube amps.
Difference is more in headroom/breakup.

1 watt is still pretty loud.
Little Egnaters will all be extremely apt friendly.

I think it comes down to personal preference on tonal variety.

If you want to switch between clean and dirty: Rebel 30

If you want a killer, Marshalley medium high gain sound: Rebel 20

If you want to tweak, and spend less: the tweaker (I've never played one, but I'd like to try one.)
Although it's out of my price range, I have been eyeballing the Rebel30. The direct out for recording would be ideal. As I could then use headphones with my audio interface. Keeping it silent apartment wise. But the price is more than I can afford :( Maybe one will turn up used.

I do like that mid-high gain Marshall sound. On the flipside, how clean can the Rebel20 get? I don't expect the "liquid Glass", almost piano like sounds my silverface puts out. But a fair representation would be fine since I like to practice clean. Then rock out with a dirty sound. Mainly it's about getting a good sound without shaking the floors. If either amp will do it, then it's win-win.

Thanks guys.
Even at 1 watt my Rebel 20 can be really loud. You just loose headroom. It can still sound great at low volumes. I think you need to sit down with each of them and decide. My Rebel has been a totally rock solid great sounding amp.
how clean can the Rebel20 get?
About like you want it to be!I just moved in an apartment,a few weeks ago,and my Rebel20 is really great here!But I use an old Marshall 4x12 with Greenbacks...Anyway,with the Wattage control +tube+Gain+Volume,you can get a real clean sound at a respectable volume!For real high gain tone,i use some stompboxes when i have to play at low volume.As for the use in an apartment,it's working better than i expected :rock: ! PS:How is your Traynor?I had one,long time ago,but i never saw another one like it:early 70's combo,based on a Twin Reverb (212).Beautiful cleans,Reverb & Tremolo!I loved it (lost it in a fire :aww: ..) EDIT:I just looked and my Traynor could have been a YGL-3 Mark III ("A Twin on steroids..").
Rebel 30 gets very loud very fast. as does the 20. Even at 1 watt. But its possible to play at bedroom volumes, just the volume knob is barely tweaked.

if you want 2 channels, go rebel 30. If just one, tweaker perhaps
viking22":3b5xoqkl said:
how clean can the Rebel20 get?
About like you want it to be!I just moved in an apartment,a few weeks ago,and my Rebel20 is really great here!But I use an old Marshall 4x12 with Greenbacks...Anyway,with the Wattage control +tube+Gain+Volume,you can get a real clean sound at a respectable volume!For real high gain tone,i use some stompboxes when i have to play at low volume.As for the use in an apartment,it's working better than i expected :rock: ! PS:How is your Traynor?I had one,long time ago,but i never saw another one like it:early 70's combo,based on a Twin Reverb (212).Beautiful cleans,Reverb & Tremolo!I loved it (lost it in a fire :aww: ..)

The Traynor sounds good. A little squishy, but it is 40 some years old. It's clean like a fender at lower volumes. Then it turns more Marshall very quickly. It's also very loud. Too loud really. I have to keep it below 1 and then use a OD for volume. I've been thinking about doing some mods to it. Like a master volume and jumping the channels. To clean it up and get a little more under control.

That's good to hear. Whichever amp I buy, it will be plugged into a Marshall 4x10 with celestions. So it should sound pretty good. Thanks.
I just got a renegade that sounds real good at low volume.
Even my LOUD ASS MOD100 sounds good at low volumes. Go Figure?