Which JCM-800 to get for early Slayer tone???


New member
I am a total noob to JCM-800's, I have played one once and I dont remeber which version it was but I do know it kicked my old TSL-100 in the ground.

I am looking for a ole' school slayer sound like seasons in the abyss, reign in blood, south of heaven type of stuff. Which version of the JCM-800 should I get, I dont know which is which when it comes to the different versions 2203, 2204, 2210, none of that stuff means anything to me. I usually focus all my attention to modern hi-gain amps, I dont really know anything about these.

I dont want to have it modded or anything, I just want to use my LP w/ EMG-85 with it and a boost pedal thats it. What do these things usually go for on ebay $800???
2203 is what Slayer have been playing since the beginning.

BTW I have a 2203 and a TSL 100. Those tones are in the TSL...you just have to tweak it to get it.

JVM would probably get you there better than a 2203, though that is what they used with all sorts of EQ and boost. I'd get a JVM.
jaybird":eebd4 said:
JVM would probably get you there better than a 2203, though that is what they used with all sorts of EQ and boost. I'd get a JVM.

They just use a 2203 w/ 4x12 GT75 cabs, slammed w/ an MXR 10 band EQ and EMGs.
KK used a JCM800 2203 with KT88s, with an EQ as booster and a Hush. The EQ is not used to shape the amplifier sound but to boost its input; overall tone is 2203. Right now he only plays his signature 2203KK which should be available in the shops later on this year.

A JVM can get close but still the 2203KK has a different overall tone and less gain.
I dont have money for a JVM or 2203KK. My budget is only good for a used JCM-800 or DSL. I think I going to try and get a cheap 2203 :)

Does the 2204 handle a 4 ohm load??? I know the TSL-60 & DSL-50 can only go down to 8 ohms. I need to be able to run both of my recto 4 x 12 cabs. I dont mind a 50 watt head if its up to the job, I just got to make sure it can handle my cabs.
Isn't there some tone shaping going on with the EQ? IIRC, Kerry boosts his mids.

Before Kerry got his signature EQ, he was just using a plain old Boss GE-7, correct?

Regardless, that's not a difficult tone to get. I've seen Kerry's settings before, and there's nothing crazy going on; mids and bass up pretty high, treble and presence comparatively low- JCM 800s are bright, bright amps- and the gain up around 8-9. That, a boost and 75s, and you should be there.