Which MCP pickups in alder/maple board?

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Which motor city pickup combo do you guys recommend in an alder body maple neck/ maple board tele style guitar with a floyd? I'm looking for something beefy and ballsy. Thanks
Ballsy just seems be in the nature of all of Wade's pickups. All of his pickups seem to have this strength in the mids that raises eyebrows when you hear them in person. How hot do you want them is the question. If you want the most beef possible...Afwayu. Little less hot/more woody...hot head.
I usually only see the Black Belts for sale on the 2nd hand marker, and rarely, the Detroiter or Angel Dustcome up for sale. I haven't found a Garuda, Nuke, Hot Head, since I have been looking. You may want one of these latter, especially the Garuda/Hot Head for what you are looking for. They are like the Detroiter but with a tad more bass/mid lows..
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it. Just installed a Detroiter bridge yesterday into a ce22. Too early for any serious opinion, but digging it a lot so far.
Bxlxaxkxe":2i4nu91g said:
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it.

Did Wade specifically tell you that he no longer makes the Garuda?

If you are merely going by the fact that it is not listed on his website, then you are mistaken. The website has not been updated in awhile, and there are several available pickups that are not listed.
OUTLAW1969":m3ceuqkl said:
Bxlxaxkxe":m3ceuqkl said:
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it.

Did Wade specifically tell you that he no longer makes the Garuda?

If you are merely going by the fact that it is not listed on his website, then you are mistaken. The website has not been updated in awhile, and there are several available pickups that are not listed.

Yeah I never heard that he discontinued the Garuda? The Angel Dust yes, but the Garuda not that I am aware of.
I have a Detroiter set in my G&L Legacy USA (Alder/Maple/Maple) and they are rad.
The bridge is chewy but still tight in the low registers. Moving up the fretboard, the high strings are thick and singing.
The mids are so grinding and sweet! Voiced more in the upper-mid region.
The Detroiter neck model is juicy, bubbly and clear. This guitar shines for playing leads.
I got the Detroiters for this guitar because I emailed Wade asking for something to thicken the thin shrill notes in the upper
register of the guitar that I was getting with with the BKP VH2/Emerald set. The Detroiters did just that.

I have a Hot Head set in my G&L ASAT Black Ice (Ash/Maple/Maple) and they are also killer!
This is my fave guitar for high-gain rhythm. So pissed off and out of control sounding, yet still keeps it together at the same time.
The mids on the bridge model are smoking hot! Voiced a little lower than the Detroiter bridge.
Also has that thick note characteristic when playing single notes on the high strings.
Again, the Hot Head neck model gets that juicy, clear, bubbly thing going on. Might be a bit brighter than the Detroiter neck, but still in the same ballpark.
I tried the BKP Black Dog in this guitar and almost sold it as I wasn't happy with how it sounded.
Again, Wade's recommendation of the Hot Head set was bang on the money!

I really need to get some in-the-room video demos of these guitars.

Also, my underwound 2nd Degree Black Belt set I snagged off the used market just arrived this afternoon. Getting them installed in my G&L Legacy Floyd soon.
Will report back as soon as they are ready to rock.
Bxlxaxkxe":v7ls6gq3 said:
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it. Just installed a Detroiter bridge yesterday into a ce22. Too early for any serious opinion, but digging it a lot so far.

You sold a Hot Head recently right? What didn't you like about them, or specifically what didn't they have that you were looking for?
metalmaniac93":2lo4bjp7 said:
OUTLAW1969":2lo4bjp7 said:
Bxlxaxkxe":2lo4bjp7 said:
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it.

Did Wade specifically tell you that he no longer makes the Garuda?

If you are merely going by the fact that it is not listed on his website, then you are mistaken. The website has not been updated in awhile, and there are several available pickups that are not listed.

Yeah I never heard that he discontinued the Garuda? The Angel Dust yes, but the Garuda not that I am aware of.

Well we were talking and I was fishing for him to suggest the Garuda as another option. I said as far as what you currently make, am I missing something from this list: BB2, Detroiter, Hot Head, Afwayu. He said no that's pretty much it. I'll just ask him outright. I've been spending so much money on pickups lately, I'm ready to find a set and be done for a while.
bumrush101":f6nznovx said:
Bxlxaxkxe":f6nznovx said:
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it. Just installed a Detroiter bridge yesterday into a ce22. Too early for any serious opinion, but digging it a lot so far.

You sold a Hot Head recently right? What didn't you like about them, or specifically what didn't they have that you were looking for?

I like mids. I am all about rhythm tones. Fat and grinding, but articulate and fun to play. The HH just had too many mids in the mix for me, which is not something I ever thought I'd say. Made it feel stiff -- even after spending a lot of time making height adjustments.

Wade's pickups sound best to me lowered more than most other PUPs-- true of the Afwayu, Detroiter, and HH for me. Still with the HH lowered to be almost flush, there was a mid character to it that I wasn't digging. Hard to explain, as most pickup descriptions are and it's probably a guitar/pickup combo issue, as well.

I like the Detroiter's output level. Perfect range for versatility. Sounds authentic with low gain and even clean, but holds together wonderfully for high gain. Think this is the closest I've found to what I'm looking for but again it's only been a few days. Will put in some 59/09s after I get used to the Detroiter. They should be somewhat similar-- we'll see.
Bxlxaxkxe":2sw7ufif said:
metalmaniac93":2sw7ufif said:
OUTLAW1969":2sw7ufif said:
Bxlxaxkxe":2sw7ufif said:
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it.

Did Wade specifically tell you that he no longer makes the Garuda?

If you are merely going by the fact that it is not listed on his website, then you are mistaken. The website has not been updated in awhile, and there are several available pickups that are not listed.

Yeah I never heard that he discontinued the Garuda? The Angel Dust yes, but the Garuda not that I am aware of.

Well we were talking and I was fishing for him to suggest the Garuda as another option. I said as far as what you currently make, am I missing something from this list: BB2, Detroiter, Hot Head, Afwayu. He said no that's pretty much it. I'll just ask him outright. I've been spending so much money on pickups lately, I'm ready to find a set and be done for a while.

Well sent him an email and it appears that he does not make the Garuda anymore either. So no Angel Dust or no Garuda anymore!!!
metalmaniac93":1ohanjxx said:
Bxlxaxkxe":1ohanjxx said:
metalmaniac93":1ohanjxx said:
OUTLAW1969":1ohanjxx said:
Bxlxaxkxe":1ohanjxx said:
I'd be in interested in trying the Garuda, wish he still made it.

Did Wade specifically tell you that he no longer makes the Garuda?

If you are merely going by the fact that it is not listed on his website, then you are mistaken. The website has not been updated in awhile, and there are several available pickups that are not listed.

Yeah I never heard that he discontinued the Garuda? The Angel Dust yes, but the Garuda not that I am aware of.

Well we were talking and I was fishing for him to suggest the Garuda as another option. I said as far as what you currently make, am I missing something from this list: BB2, Detroiter, Hot Head, Afwayu. He said no that's pretty much it. I'll just ask him outright. I've been spending so much money on pickups lately, I'm ready to find a set and be done for a while.

Well sent him an email and it appears that he does not make the Garuda anymore either. So no Angel Dust or no Garuda anymore!!!

Well damn.