I ordered one right before they changed to Kiesel, so it still says Carvin on the headstock but has all the modern Kiesel stuff, like the treated birdseye maple board. Mine was part of a run and for the price it cost, there isn't a single guitar anywhere close to what I paid for it that's better. That said, the guitar would be like $4k now and it's definitely not a $4k guitar unless you're just comparing looks.
I've owned a lot of high end guitars over the years, including some of the most coveted brands, like Blackmachine, Oni, Hufschmid, Mayones, PRS Artists, Custom Shop/Vintage Gibsons, etc. The best guitars being made right now are coming from EBMM as far as I'm concerned. The fretwork rules, the hardware is killer and the guitars just feel super high quality, even their lower end pieces. Compared to the Blackmachine B2 I had, there's really no comparison. One guitar is all hype, the other is the real deal