Who here has Synergy amp & modules?

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A long time ago, I went to my friends house and played his Randall amp with the modules. He had an XTC module and a fender clean type I believe? Anyhow, there was either something wrong with his, or it just wasn’t any good.

I am sure some of you guys have the synergy stuff. How is the synergy power amp?

Do the modules actually sound AND FEEL like the amp they are taken from?

I love the idea of getting amps for $400(aren’t the modules $400?) each and having a bunch of modules/amps on hand, especially for recording!!!

obviously I am sure that they aren’t exact, but are they close? I know each amp has its own design and components so the power amp and transformers from an SLO are different than a XTC.

I have watched a few demos. Some sounded good, but the ones that sounded best are promotional videos.

what do you guys think? Is it worth it? Or, are you better off getting something like an axefx 3? I played my friends axefx3 through a VHT power amp and it was pretty damn awesome. A lot of great tones in there.

I recently put together a new recording set up, and I would like to expand my tonal palette. My modded SS100 is totally bad ass, but obviously it doesn’t get every sound there is. I would like to have some chimey class A cleans, possibly the VH4 gain, etc. there are quite a few modules now.

what do you guys think?
I guess no one uses modules. I am not interested in getting one. But i was interested in hearing if it was valid. Basically like in op where he says how does it compare to real amp.
I have a Randall RM100 that was my main amp for probably 10 years or so. I still have it and was planning on firing it up this weekend after a couple years of rest. I have not tried the Synergy stuff yet but from what I have read, they did a pretty good job of getting most of the modules close to the original amps.

My issue with the RM100 is that it is heavy as all hell! It has spring loaded metal handles on either side of the head along with the top handle. Also, after going through many many modules, I ended up only using a variation of one tone with a Jaded Faith modded Brahma module. Just had a Radial Headbone land so plan on A/B'ing the Brahma with a Marshall DSL and then a Quick Rod.
I have (2) syn2s and a bunch of modules. Totally dig it for recording, I can flip around to so many tones and keep the settings intact to retrack later when needed. I have it going into a Nitrox head or more recently an Invective head> TNL. The syn di is ok, but having a big glass power section really puts it up on a high level.
The only downside is it is hard not to spend stupid money collecting them. I have a dozen but at some point may downsize to the ones that I really enjoy. Too much fun though! Each module inspires differently. The syn platform is a step up from Randall mts gear IMO. Not sure about the syn Amps though.
JerEvil here has a couple of them; his clips sound killer to me!

If I didn't already have so much gear I'd definitely give the Synergy system a try
Man I’m making a “From Skeptic to Believer” vid tonight actually.
I waited a VERY long time to get the Synergy stuff. I’d heard some new corded stuff for sure but also a lot I didn’t like at all. It’s not a cheap system to get caught up in for sure

I talked a LOT privately to John Browne from Monuments and he kind of pushed me over the edge in grabbing a Syn-2. Found one on Reverb with 2 modules for a really good price.

worth every penny BUT I am also using a Fryette PS100 and not the Syn power amp.
Man I’m making a “From Skeptic to Believer” vid tonight actually.
I waited a VERY long time to get the Synergy stuff. I’d heard some new corded stuff for sure but also a lot I didn’t like at all. It’s not a cheap system to get caught up in for sure

I talked a LOT privately to John Browne from Monuments and he kind of pushed me over the edge in grabbing a Syn-2. Found one on Reverb with 2 modules for a really good price.

worth every penny BUT I am also using a Fryette PS100 and not the Syn power amp.
Thought he is a Mesa endorser?
I've been on and off of the Synergy boat for quite some time now. I bought a system when they first came out, when there wasn't the vast selection of really different sounding modules like they currently have. About 6 months ago, I jumped back down the rabbit hole and am glad I did. Their selection of modules is now pretty extensive and they have a few different platforms for a variety of uses. I currently have a Syn30 combo, a Syn5050 power amp, an Egnator M4 (a module bay that holds 4 modules), 9 modules, and plan on integrating a recently FX8 as a controller/EFX unit.

The biggest appeal to me, as has been mentioned here, is the system's ability to use "boutique" preamps, that really do sound very close to the original amps, without having to buy the actual amp. In all honesty, some of the modules do sound similar (the Modded-Marshall modules tend to sound more alike than not). All I can say at this point is I'm currently very happy with my Synergy rig and can't wait till I can start gigging with it.
They sound very good, but it's a bit of a clunky system if you like to change out modules often. But if you like to set and forget, it's good times. Their support is crap though, unanswered emails and QC issues are a bad combo.
The Synergy stuff is legit. Haven't tried their power amp, though.

As far as Synergy vs Axe FX, that's a big can o' worms that I'll try to make concise. But I've been drinking and I'm bored... Preface, I use Axe FX into a tube power amp and real cab so if you're asking about FRFR, I'm not your guy. Anyway, choose Synergy if you've got to have a fully analog signal. Choose Axe Fx if you want the ability to tweak the living shit out of your tone, mutating it into something yet unknown to man. The effects in the Axe are great. Axe FX comes with a ridiculous amount of amps, if that matters to you.

Some will disagree but I'll tell ya the Axe Fx is incapable of sounding/feeling exactly like the analog gear it models; it gets pretty close but it's different, and I mean that even as just a preamp - if accurate replication of such-and-such amp matters to you, get the Synergy. I happen to prefer the Axe's own personal mojo (inherent tone) it has compared to analog preamps so that's not a negative for me but I could see some players not getting along with it.

One thing you will never realize, at least as a high gain player, is how fucking noisey your analog/tube gear is until you've been playing the Axe FX. I've owned over 50 high gain preamps and compared to the Axe, even the quietest of them puts out a shit load of noise that you can hear while you're playing, you know, it's like an electric rain storm that hides behind your tone, but with the Axe FX it's not there, which does wonders for the mix, be it live or recorded.

Sometimes when I'm playing by myself I'll miss that certain something you get from analog gear, so I still have other preamps for playing by myself, but that "certain something" counts for jack when I'm playing with a live drummer or recording with a drummer. That my two cents. Or two hundred.
I've been on and off of the Synergy boat for quite some time now. I bought a system when they first came out, when there wasn't the vast selection of really different sounding modules like they currently have. About 6 months ago, I jumped back down the rabbit hole and am glad I did. Their selection of modules is now pretty extensive and they have a few different platforms for a variety of uses. I currently have a Syn30 combo, a Syn5050 power amp, an Egnator M4 (a module bay that holds 4 modules), 9 modules, and plan on integrating a recently FX8 as a controller/EFX unit.

The biggest appeal to me, as has been mentioned here, is the system's ability to use "boutique" preamps, that really do sound very close to the original amps, without having to buy the actual amp. In all honesty, some of the modules do sound similar (the Modded-Marshall modules tend to sound more alike than not). All I can say at this point is I'm currently very happy with my Synergy rig and can't wait till I can start gigging with it.
Yeah I figured the Marshall types would all be similar. I plan to use these for lower cost options to supplement different flavors for recording.

I want these guys:
• 800
• Uber
• Ultralead
• Powerball

Those are all different enough from my other amps/preamps.
The Uber is pretty damn good, stupid amount of gain available on the top channel.
I have one synergy module (BB/BE) and it is a good module though I find it undergained. I think they went with the low gain side of the BE with the blue and red channel. I think at volume it sounds really good. But I also have the old stuff. A jaded Faith VX30 (his take on a Vox) wich is fantastic and a Friedman modded Brahma which is almost better than my 82 JCM800. So for the Marshall stuff, it is legit. I have also modded one of my own modules which easily stands with the Friedman stuff. I probably ended up with an HBE without even knowing it. Some of the other preamps will suffer a bit because of the poweramp not being there but most will be a very good ballpark. The one thing I think they suffer from at times is that they can be a little over gained. Some of them try to cover too much ground when they should just stay faithful to the original design.
Yeah I figured the Marshall types would all be similar. I plan to use these for lower cost options to supplement different flavors for recording.

I want these guys:
• 800
• Uber
• Ultralead
• Powerball

Those are all different enough from my other amps/preamps.
Yeah, that looks like a pretty diverse spread with little overlap. I think you can safely assume little or no redundancy with those module choices.
I've had a syn 30 head since they came out. SLO and DS are worth the price of admission, the uber and xtc, are good as is the deliverance.
I had a Syn1 with an Engl Savage module about a year ago. I tested a few things out like running it thru my Butterslax power thru a cab and the main deal breaker for me was a direct recording. It didn't really do anything for me at the time. I tried out just about every module that was out then at the local shop and I felt the high gain stuff all sounded similar except for the Dirty Shirley but since I have a DS40 I decided to sell the SYn1 to my buddy.

Then like a month later they announced that the Uber and Fryette modules were coming. I was super curious how those sounded and last month scored another cheap Syn1 with a Vai module. The Vai module was different and kind of fuzz like, which I kind of dug. Even had an almost fryette dryness to it so I decided to hang on to it.

Then yesterday I bought the Deliverance module and barely had time to mess with it but when I did run it thru mesa 50/50 power amp to my waza tube amp expander and some IR's it sounded fkn brutal as fuck with very little tweaking. I absolutely love the Deliverance module, I think it sounds bad ass for rock and metal. It can dial in super thick tones too thanks to the depth knob and it sounded awesome for chugging and that was without a boost or TS in front. Haven't even gotten around to trying that yet.. I'm going to keep the Syn1 now just for this module alone lol. I'd grab an Ultralead module but I already have the amp ;) I did try the Uber module at the shop but it seemed uninspiring to me, especially when compared to the Deliverance. Hope to make a test recording soon.